Offer Schwartzglass and Aharon J Agranat. 1996. “Letter: VLSI implementation of pulsating neural networks.” Neurocomputing, 10, Financial Applications, Pp. 405 - 413.
We describe a generic approach for realizing networks of pulsating neurons based on charge pumping of interface states situated in the channel of MOS transistors. Two basic building blocks will be described: the pulse activated charge pumping (PSCP) synapse, and the charge sensitive oscillator (CSO). The PSCP synapse which operates as either a short or a long term memory device which produces a charge packet proportional to the number of pulses applied to its input, will be described in detail together with experimental results demonstrating its capability. The CSO circuit which is a charge controlled oscillator will be described together with simulations of its output frequency dependence on its input voltage, and the relation between the temporal dependence of output waveform on its input charge.Notes:
Accession Number: 0925231296001385; Author: Schwartzglass, Offer (a); Author: Agranat, Aharon J. (∗, a); Affiliation: Division of Applied Physics and the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel; Number of Pages: 9; Language: English;See also: Group Publications, Before 2005