Photorefractive light needles in glassy nanodisordered KNTN


D Pierangeli, J Parravicini, F Di Mei, GB Parravicini, AJ Agranat, and E DelRe. 2014. “Photorefractive light needles in glassy nanodisordered KNTN.” Optics Letters 39 (6), Pp. 1657 - 1660. Publisher's Version


We study the formation of 2D self-trapped beams in nanodisordered potassium-sodium-tantalate-niobate (KNTN) cooled below the dynamic glass transition. Supercooling is shown to accelerate the photorefractive response and enhance steady-state anisotropy. Effects in the excited state are attributed to the anomalous slim-loop polarization curve typical of relaxors dominated by non-interacting polar-nano-regions. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

See also: Rony
Last updated on 04/30/2017