A Pierangelo, E DelRe, A Ciattoni, G Biagi, E Palange, and A Agranat. 2007. “Separating polarization components through the electro-optic read-out of photorefractive solitons.” Optics Express 15 (21), Pp. 14283 - 14288. Publisher's Version
Analyzing the propagation dynamics of a light beam of arbitrary linear input polarization in an electro-activated photorefractive soliton we are able to experimentally find the conditions that separate its linear polarization components, mapping them into spatially distinct regions at the crystal output. Extending experiments to the switching scheme based on two oppositely biased solitons, we are able to transform this spatial separation into a separation of two distinct guided modes. The result is a miniaturized electro-optic polarization separator. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.