Spontaneous self-trapping of optical beams in metastable paraelectric crystals


E DelRe, M Tamburrini, M Segev, R Della Pergola, and AJ Agranat. 1999. “Spontaneous self-trapping of optical beams in metastable paraelectric crystals.” Physics Review Letters 83 (10), Pp. 1954 - 1957. Publisher's Version


We report on the observation of a new mechanism for self-trapping of optical beams: self-trapping that stems from spontaneous creation of ferroelectric crystalline clusters, seeded by a weak photorefractive diffusion field. This is an evident observation of the highly nonlinear aspects of propagation in a thermodynamically metastable system, including optically driven crystalline ordering in a medium undergoing a phase transition.

Last updated on 06/23/2015