First-Class Technology - Third-Rate Bureaucracy: The Case of Israel


Peled A. First-Class Technology - Third-Rate Bureaucracy: The Case of Israel. Information Technology for Development. 2000;9 (1) :45-58.


Lay summary: Why does information technology (IT) in the public sector of countries with advanced IT achievements lag so far behind the private sector? Using Israel as a case study, the article demonstrates that political interests in the public sector compromise the efficient use of IT. The article finds that IT projects and advances are used by politicians and bureaucrats to consolidate power and advance agency-centric interests. This leads to government gridlock instead of improved services to citizens. Publication significance: The article addresses a pressing issue for democratic systems: do advanced IT tools improve the quality of democratic accountability and service delivery or is the political context an overriding factor? The article finds that if the political context is one of protecting and advancing personal and agency-centric interests then IT advances become utilized in political power-struggles. Whilst costing taxpayers dearly, IT advances do not improve accountability or service delivery to citizens.

Last updated on 10/08/2014