Daniel Harries

Daniel Harries


Institute of Chemistry and
the Fritz Haber Research Center
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Safra Campus, Giv’at Ram
Jerusalem 91904, Israel.

Tel:      972-2-6585484 (office)
Fax:      972-2-6513742
E-mail: daniel.harries@mail.huji.ac.il



2002-2006 Post-doctoral research: Post-doctoral fellow, Laboratory of physical and structural biology,National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
1996-2001 Graduate Studies: Ph.D. Summa cum Laude, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2001. 
1992-1995 Undergraduate studies: B.Sc. Summa Cum Laude in Chemistry and Amirim (honors) program, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1995. 

Faculty positions
2019 Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry and the Fritz Haber Research Center, Faculty of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2012 Associate professor, Institute of Chemistry and the Fritz Haber Research Center, Faculty of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
2006 Senior Lecturer, Institute of Chemistry and the Fritz Haber Research Center, Faculty of Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Prizes and awards
2007-2021 10 times noted excellent teacher in the Science Faculty
2019 Dr. & Mrs. Philip Gotlieb Chair in Physical Chemistry
2015 German Chemical Society (GDCh) Willstätter named-lectureship award
2015 Chemical Society of Japan Annual Asian lectureship award
2013 Michael Milken Prize for Excellence in Teaching
2011 Hebrew University student Union best teacher award
2007-2015 7 times noted excellent teacher in the Science Faculty
2006 Alon fellowship for young scholars
2002-2005 NIH visiting fellow award
2002 Schlomiuk prize for excellent Ph.D. thesis
2001 Rothschild postdoctoral fellowship
2001 Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship
2001 Ph.D. Summa cum Laude
1998 Clore scholarship
1997 Katzir scholarship
1996 Rector’s award for M.Sc. students
1996 Wolf prize for M.Sc. students
1995 B.Sc. Summa Cum Laude
1993-1995 University scholarship for students in honors class
1994 Dean’s honors list
1993 Dean’s honors award
1992 Amirim (honors class) scholarship

Contact Information

Office: Aronberg wing, Rm 127