Labor Economics



Work, Welfare and Taxation: A Study of Labour Supply Incentives in the United Kingdom, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1986.

With V. Brasse, Insurance for Unemployment, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1986. Republished by Routledge, 2011.


Modelling the Labour Market, (editor), Chapman & Hall, London, 1988.

Heredity, Family and Inequality: A Critique of Social Science, MIT Press, 2012.


Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. With P. Warburton, "An Aggregate Model of the UK Labour Market," Oxford Economic Papers, pp. 253-275, July 1982.
  2. "Competitive Unemployment Insurance Pricing," Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, pp. 23-31, January 1985.
  3. With P. Warburton, "Wages and Unemployment in Interwar Britain," Explorations in Economic History, July 1986, vol. 23, pp. 153-172, 1986.
  4. "Pensions and Labour Market Structure," Oxford Economic Papers, pp. 568-576, October 1987.
  5. With P. Warburton, "A 'Phillip's Curve' Model of the UK Labour Market," in M. Beenstock (ed.), Modelling the Labour Market, Chapman & Hall, pp. 71-104, 1988.
  6. "Unemployment in Interwar Britain: A Reply," National Institute Economic Review, February 1987.
  7. With D. Blake, "Stochastic Analysis of Competitive Unemployment Insurance Premiums," European Economic Review, pp. 7-26, February, 1988.
  8. With C. Whitbread, "Explaining Changes in the Union Mark-Up for Male Manual Workers in Great Britain, 1953-1983," British Journal of Industrial Relations, December, 1988.
  9. "Regret and Jubilation in Trade Union Wage Bargaining," Oxford Economic Papers, July, 1988.
  10. With P. Warburton, "The Market for Labour in Interwar Britain", Explorations in Economic History, pp 287-308, 1991.
  11. With S. Ribon, "The Market for Labour in Israel", Applied Economics,25,pp71-982, 1993.
  12. With J. Metzer, "Immigration and the Jewish Economy in Mandatory Palestine:an                              Econometric Exploration", Research in Economic History, 15, pp 149-213, 1995.

13."Failure to Absorb: Return Migration by Immigrants to Israel", International Migration Review,              30, pp 950-978, 1996.

14."The Acquisition of Language Skills by Immigrants: the Case of Hebrew in Israel",                             International Migration, 34, pp3-30, 1996.

15.        "The Demand for Training by the Unemployed in Israel", Oxford Economic Papers, 49,    pp                 273-290, 1997.    

16.      "Training and the Time to Find a Job in Israel", Applied Economics,28, pp 935-946, 1996.

17. "The Internal Migration of Immigrants in Israel", Quarterly Review of Finance and                             Economics, 37, Special Issue,  Barry Chiswick (ed), pp 263-284, 1997.

18. With Y. Ben Menahem, "The Labour Market Absorption of CIS Immigrants in Israel:                          1989-1994", International  Migration, 35: 187-224, 1997.

19.    "Internal Migration of Immigrants in the Short-Run: Israel 1992-1994, International Migration    Review, 33: 1098 – 1016, 1999.

20. With B. Chiswick and G. Repetto, “The Effect of Language Distance and Country of Origin on Immigrant Language Skills”, International Migration, 39: 33 – 60, 2001.

21. “Rank and Quantity Mobility in the Empirical Dynamics of Inequality”, Review of Income and Wealth, 50: 519 – 541, 2004.

22. "Do Abler Parents have Fewer Children?", Oxford Economic Papers, 59: 430-57, 2007.

23. "Deconstructing the Sibling Correlation: How Families create Inequality", Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 29: 325-345, 2008.


24. With Y. Eyal "Sign Reversal in LIVE Estimates of Treatment Effects: The Effect of Vocational Training for the Unemployed on Unemployment Durations, Labor Economics, 2008.

25."Nature and Nurture in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality", Journal of Income Distribution, 18: 118-141, 2009.

26. "Crying games in the Theory of Child Development", European Journal of Development Psychology, March, 2010.

27. with B. Chiswick and A. Paltiel "Testing the Immigrant Assimilation Hypothesis with Longitudinal Data", Review of Economics of the  Household, 8: 7-27, 2010.

28. "Longitudinal Analysis of Earnings Assimilation among Immigrants in Quebec", New Directions in Canadian Studies, S. Gill and R.K. Dhawan (eds), Vedanta Books, New Delhi, 2012.

30.With D. Feldman “Decomposing university grades: a longitudinal study of students and their instructors” Studies on Higher Education, 2016.