
In Press
Abu-Qan, Aamer, Muhammad Asali, and Michael Beenstock. In Press. “The cycle of violence in the second Intifada: nonlinear vector autoregressions.” Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Michael, Beenstock, Felsenstein Daniel, and Xieer Dai. In Press. “Spatial econometric analysis of spatial general equilibrium.” Spatial Economic Analysis.
Forthcoming. “How internally mobile is capital?.” Letters in Spatial and Resource Science.
Khatib, Mahmoud, and Michael Beenstock. Forthcoming. “Contagion and correlation in bank credit risk in Israel.” Israel Economic Review.
Felsenstein, Daniel, and Michael Beenstock. Forthcoming. “The effect of foreign direct investment on regional wage inequality.” Letters in Spatial and Resource Science.
2016. “test”.
Beenstock, Michael, Dan Feldman, and Daniel Felsenstein. 2016. “Hedonic Pricing When Housing is Endogenous: The Value of Access to the Trans-Israel Highway..” Journal of Regional Science 56 (1): 134 - 155. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, Yaniv Reingewertz, and Nathan Paldor. 2016. “Testing the Historic Tracking of Climate Models..” International Journal of Forecasting 32 (4): 1234 - 1246. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, Daniel Felsenstein, and Ziv Rubin. 2015. “Immigration to the European Union from Its Neighborhoods: Testing Welfare-Chasing and Related Hypotheses by Spatial Gravity..” International Journal of Manpower 36 (4): 491 - 517. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, and Valerie Brasse. 2011. Insurance for Unemployment.. Routledge Revivals. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, Daniel Felsenstein, and Nadav Ben Zeev. 2011. “Capital Deepening and Regional Inequality: An Empirical Analysis..” Annals of Regional Science 47 (3): 599 - 617. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, and Daniel Felsenstein. 2010. “Marshallian Theory of Regional Agglomeration..” Papers in Regional Science 89 (1): 155 - 172. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael. 2008. “Deconstructing the Sibling Correlation: How Families Increase Inequality..” Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29 (3): 325 - 345. Publisher's Version
Oliver, Michael J., and eds. Aldcroft, Derek H. 2007. Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century.. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.:. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael. 2007. “Do Abler Parents Have Fewer Children?.” Oxford Economic Papers 59 (3): 430 - 457. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael. 2005. “Country Size in Regional Economics..” Regional Disparities in Small Countries, 25 - 45. Hebrew U Jerusalem: Advances in Spatial Science series., 25 - 45. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael, and Yoel Haitovsky. 2004. “Does the Appointment of Judges Increase the Output of the Judiciary?.” International Review of Law and Economics 24 (3): 351 - 369. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael. 2003. “Country Survey XI: Defence and the Israeli Economy..” The economics of conflict. Volume 3. Case studies, 399 - 450. Unlisted: Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 168., 399 - 450. Publisher's Version
Beenstock, Michael. 2003. “A Macroeconometric Model with Oligopolistic Banks: Monetary Control, Inflation and Growth in Israel..” Economic Modelling 20 (3): 455 - 486. Publisher's Version
