

D+ is a 64 bit application. You can download the D+ installer of version (the version of this paper) or the latest version (the version of this paper).

If you have an earlier version of D+ you will need to uninstall it before installing the new version.  


The latest version of D+ includes a new model, epdb, which calculates the electron diffraction of pdb files.

Before installing the program you will need to agree to the License of D+. 

Our Tutorials will help you to get started.

For more inforamtion see our User's Manual and papers

You may also learn from our Usage Examples

Use the Suggest Parameters accessory tool.

The PDBUnits accessory tool can be useful if you have a large atomic model (given as a PDB file) with repeating smaller subunits. 

DebyeCalculator is a tool of D+ for computing the scattering intensity of atomic models, given as PDB files, using Debye formula.


In addition, D+ has a Python API for more advanced usage of D+.

If you have a problem please try our Troubleshooting.

If you find bugs, or if you have comments/ideas, please report using our bug report form or contact us

The source code of D+ is available for academic users and developers. (Or here for the version



Python API


The Python API of D+ allows using the D+ backend from Python, instead of the ordinary D+ application.

The Python API works on both Windows and Linux.

Installing the Python API is done using PIP:  

pip install --extra-index-url https://pypi.fury.io/theresearchsoftwarecompany/ dplus-api

The API was tested with Python 3.5 and newer. It may work with older versions of Python, although Python 2 
is probably not supported.


To learn how to use it, please read the README file below and follow the the API sphinx documentation.




How to clear temporary files generated by D+

D+ generates large aplitude files and paramter files in:


Search for *.amp and *.prm files and delete them as needed. 

How to rescale a 2D graph 

To rescale a 2D graph click on the middle mouse scroll wheel or middle click.

See Suggest Parameters for additional inforamtion. 



How to resolve "TDR Level – Your GPU is not configured properly for running D+" in D+124 KB

Tutorials of D+

To get started, you may want to watch the following YouTube tutorails:

  1. Installing D+, computing a Cylinder model, and using Suggest

  2. Two Geometric Models

  3. Single Small PDB and Fit

  4. Using symmetry options in D+

  5. PDB in a Symmetry

  6. DebyeCalculator program


You may also download the Scripts of the tutorials and the origianl tutorial files.


You may also open the pdf file below and follow a short step-by-step Instructions to reproduce the examples in the tutorials:


Step-by-Step Tutorials Instructions.pdf95 KB

User's Manual

The User's Manual of D+ version 4.1.0 is available:


User's Manual of D+962 KB