70. M. Ivker and A.J. Agranat, “Resistance Degradation Due to Interstitial Hydrogen in Photorefractive Potassium Lithium Tantalate Niobate Single Crystals”, J. Applied Physics 96 (11), pp. 6405-6408 (Dec. 1'st 2004).

69. P. Ben Ishai, C. E. M. de Oliveira, Y. Ryabov, Yu. Feldman, and A. J. Agranat, "Glass Forming Liquid Kinetics Manifested in a KTN:Cu Crystal", Phys. Rev. B 70, pp. 132104-1 132104-4 (2004).

68. C. E. M. de Oliveira, G. Orr, N. Axelrold and A. J. Agranat, "Controlled composition modulation in potassium lithium tantalate niobate crystals grown by off centered TSSG method", J. Cryst. Growth. 273 (1-2) pp. 203-206 (Dec. 17 2004).

67. A. D'Ercole, E. Palange, E. DelRe, A. Ciattoni, B. Crosignani, A. J. Agranat, "Miniaturization and embedding of soliton-based electro-optically addressable photonic arrays”, Appl. Phys. Lett.  85 (114) pp. 2679-2681 (Oct. 2004).

66. E. Delre, E. Palange, and A. J. Agranat, "Fiber launched ultratight photorefractive solitons integrating fast soliton based beam manipulation circuitry", J. Applied Physics 95 (7) pp. 3822- 3824 (Apr. 1st 2004).