
48. Eugenio DelRe, Mario Tamburrini,  Mordechai Segev, Refael Della Pergola, and  Aharon J. Agranat,  “Spontaneous Self-Trapping of Optical Beams in Metastable Paraelectric Crystals”, Phys. Rev Lett. 83, 1954 (1999).

47. O. Levi, S. Shalom, I. Benjamin,  G. Perepelitsa, A. J. Agranat, R. Neumann, and Y. Avny, and D. Davidov, “Conjugated polymeric composites for holographic storage”, Synthetic Metals 102, pp. 1178 - 1181 (1999).

46. B. Crosignani, A. Degasperis, E. DelRe, P. Di Porto, and A. J. Agranat, “Nonlinear Optical Diffraction Effects and Solitons due to Anisotropic Charge-Diffusion–Based Self-Interaction”, Phys, Rev. Lett. 82 (8), 1664-1667 (1999).

45. G. Bitton, A. J. Agranat, and V. M. Fridkin. “The Bulk Photovoltaic effect in Photorefractive KLTN Crystals”, Ferroelectric Letters 25: (1-2) 1-9 (1999).

44. E. DelRe, M. Tamburrini, M. Segev, M. Mitchell, E. Refaelli, and A. J. Agranat, “2D Photorefractive Spatial Solitons in Centrosymmetric KLTN”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73: (1) (16-18 JUL 6 1998).

43. G. Bitton, M. Razvag, and Aharon J. Agranat, “Formation Of Metastable Ferroelectric Clusters In K1-X LiXTa1-YNbYO3:Cu,V at the Paraelectric Phase”, Phys. Rev. B 58 (9), pp. 5282 – 5286 (Sept. 1st 1998).

42. O. Levi, G. Perepelitsa, D. Davidov, A. J. Agranat, I. Benjamin, S. Shalom R. Neumann, and Y. Avny, “Holographic Storage in Conjugated Polymers Composites”, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. 57, pp. R12647 - R12650 (15 May 1998).

41. B. Pessach, Eli Refaeli and Aharon J. Agranat, “Investigation of the holographic storage capacity of paraelectric KLTN”, Optics Letters 23 (4/15), pp. 642 - 644 (1998).

40. E. DelRe, B. Crosignani, M. Tamburrini, M. Segev, M. Mitchell, E. Refaelli, and A. J. Agranat, “One-dimensional steady-state photorefractive solitons in centrosymmetric paraelectric KLTN”, Optics Letters 23 (3/1), pp. 421 - 423, (1998).

39. M. Balberg, M. Razvag,  E. Refaelli, and A. J. Agranat, “Electric field multiplexing of volume holograms in paraelectric crystals”, Applied Optics 37, pp. 841 - 847 (1998).

38. M. Segev, and A. J. Agranat, “Spatial solitons in centrosymmetric photorefractive media”, Optics Letters 22 (17), pp1299-1301 (September 1st, 1997).

37. X. L. Tong, A. Yariv, M. Zhang, A. J. Agranat, R. Hofmeister  et al. “Ferroelectric domain gratings and Barkhausen spikes in potassium lithium tantalate niobate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (17), pp. 2241-2243 (1997).

36. X. L. Tong, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, “Copper hydrogen and lithium incorporation in potassium lithium tantalate niobate single crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (13), pp. 1688-1690 (1997).

35. X. L. Tong, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, “3-Dimensional Polarization Dpendence of OH- Bands Absorption in Potassium Niobate Crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (4), pp. 429-431 (1997).

34. X. L. Tong, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, “Thermal Fixing of Volume Holograms in Potassium Niobate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (23), pp. 3966-3968 (1996).

33.   A. J. Agranat, M. Razvag, M. Balberg, and G. Bitton, “Holographic Gratings by Spatial Modulation of the Curie-Weiss Temperature in Photorefractive K1-X LiX Ta1-Y NbY O3:Cu,V”, Phys. Rev. B 55 (19), pp.  12818-12821, (15 May 1997).

32. X. L. Tong, R. Hofmeister, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, “Diffusion of Hydrogen in K1-y LiyTa1-x NbxO3”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (22), pp. 3345-3347 (1996).

31. X. L. Tong, R. Hofmeister, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, A. J. Agranat, and V. Leyva, “Fixing of Volume Holograms in Ferroelectric K1-y LiyTa1-x NbxO3”, Opt. Lett. 21 (22), pp. 1860 - 1862 (1996).

30.  A. J. Agranat, M. Razvag, and M. Balberg, “Dipolar holographic gratings induced by the photorefractive process in potassium lithium tantalate niobate at the paraelectric phase”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 (8),  pp2043-2048 ( August, 1997).

29. X. L. Tong, M. Zhang, A. Yariv, A. J. Agranat, R. Hofmeister, and V. Leyva, "Near Infra-Red Absorption and Dark Conductivity of K1-y LiyTa1-x NbxO3 Crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 479-481 (1996).

28. M. Balberg, M. Razvag, S. Vidro, E. Refaelli, and A. J. Agranat, “Electroholographic neurons implemented on potassium lithium tantalate niobate crystals”, Opt. Lett. 21 (19), pp. 1544 - 1546 (1996).

27. A. J. Agranat, J. Shappir, and O. Schwartzglass, "The Charge Controlled Analog Synapse”, Solid State Electronics 39 (10), pp. 1435-1439  (1996).

26. A. J. Agranat, M. Razvag, and M. Balberg, "Photorefractive hologram fixing by a 4K cooldown to the phase transition in KLTN”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, pp. 2469-2471 (1996).

25. O. Schwartzglass, and Aharon J. Agranat, "A VLSI implementation of pulsating neural networks”, Neurocomputing 10, pp. 405-413 (1996).

24. V. Leyva, D. Engin, X L Tong, M. Tong, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, "Fixing of Photorefractive Volume Holograms in KLTN”, Opt. Lett 20, pp. 1319 - 1321 (1995).

23. O. Schwartzglass, J. Shappir, and Aharon J. Agranat, "The Pulse stimulated Charge Pumping Synapse”, Electronics Lett. 29, 1433 - 1435 (1993).

22. A .J. Agranat, "Electroholographic Artificial Neural Networks”, Physika A 200, 608-612 (1993).

21. V. Leyva, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, "Increased Photorefractive Sensitivity in KTN: Fe,Ti”, Opt. Lett. 18, 959 (1993).

20. R. Hofmeister, S. Yagi, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, "Growth and Characterization of KLTN:Cu,V Photorefractive Crystals”, J. Cryst. Growth 131,  pp 486-494 (1993).

19. R. Hofmeister, S. Yagi, A. Yariv, and A. J. Agranat, "New Photorefractive Mechanism in Centrosymmetric Crystals: A Strain-Coordinated Jahn-Teller Effect”, Physical Review Letters  69,(9), pp. 1459-1461 (August 1992)

18. A. J. Agranat, R. Hofmeister and A. Yariv, “Characterization of a New Photorefractive Material: K1-y LiyTa1-x NbxO3”, Optics Letters 17, 713 (1992) , Also published in: Holographic Storage SPIE Milestone series MS-95, pp. 567-569 (G. T. Sincerbox (Ed.)).

17. V. Leyva, A. J. Agranat and A. Yariv, "Fixing of Photorefractive Gratings in KTa1-xNbxO3 By Cooling Through the Ferroelectric Phase Transition”, Opt. Lett. 15 , 554 (1991).

16. V. Leyva, A. J. Agranat and A. Yariv, "Determination of the Physical Parameters Controlling the Photorefractive Effect in KTa1-xNbxO3:Cu,V”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B8 , 701 (1991).

15. A. J. Agranat, C. F. Neugebauer, and A. Yariv , "The CCD Neural Processor: A Neural Network Integrated Circuit With 65536 Programmable Synapses”, IEEE trans. on Circuits and Systems 37 , 1073 (1990).

14. V. Leyva, A. J. Agranat, and A. Yariv, "Dependence of the Photorefractive Properties of KTN:Cu,V on Cu Valence State Concentration”, J. Appl. Phys. 67, 7162 (1990).

13. A. J. Agranat, V. Leyva, and A. Yariv, "Voltage Controlled Photorefractive Effect in Paraelectric KTa1-xNbxO3: Cu,V”, Opt. Lett. 14 , 1017 (1989).

12. A. J. Agranat, C. F. Neugebauer, and A. Yariv , "A Parallel Optoelectronic Implementation of Neural Network Models Using CID Technology”, Appl. Opt. 27 , pp. 4354-4355 (1988).

11. K. Sayano, G. A. Rakuljic,  A. J. Agranat, Y. Yariv, and R. R. Neugaonkar "Photorefractive Dark Conductivity in Cr-Doped Strontium Barium Niobate”, Opt. Lett. 14, pp. 459-461 (1988).

10. G. A. Rakuljic, K. Sayano,  A. J. Agranat, Y. Yariv, and R. R. Neugaonkar "Photorefractive Properties of Ce- and Ca Doped Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1465 (1988).

9. A. J .Agranat and  Y. Yacoby, "Dielectric Photorefractive Crystals As the Storage Medium in Holographic Memory Systems”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B5, 1792 (1988).

8. A. J. Agranat and Y. Yariv, "Semiparallel Microelectronic Implementation of Neural Network Models Using CCD Technology”, Electronics Lett. 23 , 580 (1987).

7. R. Yahalom, A. J. Agranat, and A. Yariv, "Optical Threshold Mechanism Using Fiber Coupled Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Photonic Switching, T. K. Gustafson and P. W. Smith (eds.), Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics 25, (1988).

6. A. J. Agranat and Y. Yacoby, “The Dielectric Photorefractive Effect – A new Photorefractive Mechanism”, IEEE Trans.  Ultrason.  Ferr. 33: (6), pp. 797-797 , (1986).

5. Y. Yacoby and A. J. Agranat, "Comparison of the EXAFS Spectra of NaTaO3 and KTaO3”, J. Phys. Colloqu. 47, 107 (1986).

4. A. J. Agranat, and Y. Yacoby, "Temperature Dependence of the Dielectric Induced Photorefractive Effect”, Ferroelectric Lett. 4, 19 (1985).

3. A. J. Agranat, and Y. Yacoby, "A Correlation Between a Dielectric Induced Photorefractive Effect and the Photochromic Effect”, Solid State Commun. 52, 531, (1984).

2. A. J. Agranat, and Y. Yacoby, "A Photorefractive Effect Produced by Photoinduced Changes in the Dielectric Constant”, Phys. Rev. B27, 5712 (1983).

1. Y. Yacoby, A. J. Agranat, and I. Ohana, "The Response of the Dielectric Susceptibility to an External Electric Field Around the Phase Transition Temperature in Li:KTaO3" , Solid State Commun. 45, (8), 757 (1983).