Group Members


Current members


Daniel Harries, Ph.D
Principal Investigator
Aronberg wing, Rm 127
more ...


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Ilan Shumilin
Postdoctoral researcher 
Aronberg wing, Rm 139 more ...


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Gil Olgenblum
Ph.D student
Aronberg Wing, Rm 139 more..


Itay Shachter
Ph.D student
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
more ...


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Yehon Levy

MS.c student 

Aronberg Wing, Rm 139 


Neta Carmon

MS.c student 

Aronberg Wing, Rm 140

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Elad Ozeri 

MS.c student 

Aronberg Wing, Rm 140

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Ahmad Tanbuz

undergraduate student 

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Yali Goldenberg

undergraduate student 


Group Alumni