Degradation of 14 C-labeled group A streptococci and micrococci in muscular lesions in the mouse


Adler E, Heller H, Weiner E, Masover A, Friedman S, Lahav M, Ne'eman N, Ginsburg I. Degradation of 14 C-labeled group A streptococci and micrococci in muscular lesions in the mouse. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 1973;9 (4) :483-486.
Degradation of 14 C-labeled group A streptococci and micrococci in muscular lesions in the mouse


In previous reports (1, 2) it has been shown that lysosomal enzymes derived from various populations of mammalian leukocytes failed to degrade 14C-Iabeled group A streptococci in vitro, On the other hand, Staphylococcus albus, Micrococcus Iysodeikticus and Escherichia coli were degraded to a large extent by leukocyte lysosomal enzymes. It was thus of interest to study the degradation of a variety of labeled microorganisms in vivo in inflammatory lesions in the thigh muscle of the mouse induced by the injection of heat-killed microorganisms. The results indicate that there may be a correlation between the degree of degradation of microorganisms by leukocyte lysates in vitro (1, 2) and the length of their persistence in lesion sites in vivo.

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Last updated on 03/28/2015