Is Histone a Solitary Vile Sepsis-Inducing Agent or Just "a Member of the Gang"?


Ginsburg I, Koren E, Trahtemberg U, Van Heerden V. Is Histone a Solitary Vile Sepsis-Inducing Agent or Just "a Member of the Gang"?. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy [Internet]. 2017;5 (4).
Is Histone a Solitary Vile Sepsis-Inducing Agent or Just "a Member of the Gang"?



In this communication we argue that it is improbable that the main cause of death in sepsis is that, upon release

of extracellular traps from neutrophils adhering to endothelial cells, highly cationic toxic histones uniquely cause

endothelial dysregulation, organ failure and death. Activation of neutrophils is always accompanied by a plethora of

pro-inflammatory agents, which may act in synergy with histones to injure cells. Furthermore, many recent articles

have shown a steep rise of circulating histones in many clinical disorders unrelated to sepsis. We argue therefore

that histones do not act as unique alarmins with an outsized role, but are probably another marker of cell damage.


Publisher's Version

Last updated on 01/06/2018