2016 Annual JBC Retreat for Members and Students


Sunday, June 5, 2016, 4:00pm


Kibbutz Maagan

Retreat 2016

The 3rd Annual JBC Retreat for members and students was held on Sunday -Tuesday, June 5 - 7, 2016, at Kibbutz Maagan. 

(All expenses were paid for by the JBC)

The JBC held its 3rd Annual Retreat, an interdisciplinary conference (Retreat Program) from all areas of brain science.

We would like to thank all of the speakers who participated, especially our guest speakers: Yoram Yovell, University of Haifa, Dori Derdikman, Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Michael Gilead, Department of Psychology, Ben Gurion University, Amir Ayali, Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Fred Libersat, Department of Life Sciences, Ben Gurion University, and Brian Wandell, Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging, Stanford Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University. Special thanks to Leore Grosman, Institute of Archeology, Hebrew University and Ehud Weiss, Institute of Archeology, Bar Ilan University for their guided tours of the Ohalo and Ein Gev Archeological Sites.

 Students had the opportunity to present their research during the JBC Student Poster Contest (contest guidelines) and then selected students presented their research during a presentation blitz. Each had five minutes to discuss their findings to the audience. From these students, 4 were chosen to receive prizes from the JBC.

Congratulations to:

1st Prize, 2500 Shekels  - Lorenzo Pisoni, (PI Ayelet Landau), Ongoing mechanisms of temporal integration and their role in sensory latency compensation.

2nd Prize, 1500 Shekels - Tamar Regev, (PI's Eli Nelken and Leon Deouell), Is pitch chroma discrimination automatic? – An EEG study.

3rd Prize, 1000 Shekels -

  • Gal Atlan, (PI Ami Citri ), The function of the claustrum in coordinating cortical sensitivity: From anatomy to physiology
  • Yaniv Abir, (PI Ran Hassin), Data driven methods for probing selection for consciousness

The Retreat was a great opportunity to meet and greet colleagues, old and new, share and exchange ideas, form collaborations. We also participated in an exciting tour of an archeological site and swam in the Zaki River. We watched the sun set and rise over the Galilee.

 To see all the pictures: Click Here

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