JBC Annual Retreat, June 5-7, 20016, Kibbutz Ma’agan - Call for Poster Abstracts

March 22, 2016
JBC Annual Retreat, June 5-7, 20016, Kibbutz Ma’agan - Call for Poster Abstracts

Instructions for Poster Submission:

  • Please send a 1 page abstract, plus 1 figure, by May 8, 2016
  • Posters cannot exceed 1.2 m (height) x 1.2m (length)

 Poster Exhibition:

  • Students whose abstracts have been accepted, will be hosted by the JBC to participate in the JBC Retreat.
  • All accepted posters will be exhibited throughout the JBC Retreat.
  • The JBC Executive Committee will choose the top 10 poster abstracts.
  • Those selected students will present their posters during a blitz presentation during the JBC retreat. Each speaker will have 5 minutes to present their poster.


Three posters will be chosen for prizes:

  • 1st Prize: 2500 shekels
  • 2nd Prize: 1500 shekels
  • 3rd Prize: 1000 Shekels

Send abstract and figure to:

Cheryl: jbc@mail.huji.ac.il, Tel: 02-5494204