Brain & Beer Series #3


Monday, May 16, 2016, 9:00pm


HaTaklit, Helena 7 Ha Malka Street, Jerusalem

Brain & Beer #3 

This past Monday, May 16, 2016, the JBC held its third evening of Brain & Beer at the Hataklit Bar in Jerusalem. The hot weather brought out faculty, students and staff from Hebrew University and afar. All had a chance to hear current research  in the field of neuroscience and enjoy the night breezes of Jerusalem and cool off with friends and a beer. 

Galit Agmon, “Talking brains - when language meets neuroscience”

Gal Atlan, “Lecturing in a bar: The case of sensory overload”

Amos Boasson, “Melodic fall or rise? Muscle-wise: "Effects of auditory frequency change on motor behavior"

To see a clip of the evening, click on the picture: 

Brain & Beer #3

brain_beer_heb.pdf164 KB
brain_beer_eng.pdf183 KB