Travel Scholarship

 In the spirit of encouraging and promoting academic excellence, the Jerusalem Brain Community (JBC), supports JBC students’ participation in courses, workshops and conferences abroad, where they will present a lecture or a poster.

 The Community provides students with travel Scholarships which cover partial travel expenses.

 Scholarship Terms:

  •  Must be a student or post-doctoral intern from a lab of a JBC member. 
  •  ​Participation in a course/workshop must be relevant to the student's field of studies; participation in a conference must require the student to present  her/his work – either as a lecture or a poster.
  •  A recipient of a JBC Travel Scholarship, must attend the conference no later than 6 months from the application deadline.
  •  Amount of Grant:
  • The scholarship varies between $500 - $1000 depending on the conference location. 
  • Payment will be made in one of the following ways: 

a) Directly to the travel agency for purchasing the ticket, as long as the ticket has been ordered by either ​“Ophir Tours” or “Diesenhaus”. 

b) As reimbursement of purchasing the ticket independently, or alternatively, as reimbursement for accommodations or registration fees – as long as original invoices and receipts will be submitted. 

Submission Dates:

  • Candidates may apply only once a year.
  • Requests will be reviewed by an academic committee of JBC members nominated on an annual basis.

 ​Please upload the following documents to the 'Documents Upload' folder according to the instructions: 

  • A letter of recommendation typed in English from either the PhD advisor or the post-doctoral host with    the student's academic achievements, as well as, the importance of his/her participation in the specific course/workshop/conference. The letters should be sent by the referee according to this mechanism 
  • Conference registration and payment confirmations (up to 4 documents). 
  • Abstract of the work that will be presented. 

Consideration will be given only to complete applications.

Applications may be submitted all year round,awards will be given twice a year:

February 1 and August 2.
