Patterned electrode vertical field effect transistor fabricated using block copolymer nanotemplates


Ben-Sasson, A. J. ; Avnon, E. ; Ploshnik, E. ; Globerman, O. ; Shenhar, R. ; Frey, G. L. ; Tessler, N. Patterned electrode vertical field effect transistor fabricated using block copolymer nanotemplates. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 95, 213301.

Date Published:

NOV 23


We report the design and implementation of a vertical organic field effect transistor which is compatible with standard device fabrication technology and is well described by a self consistent device model. The active semiconductor is a film of C(60) molecules, and the device operation is based on the architecture of the nanopatterned source electrode. The relatively high resolution fabrication process and maintaining the low-cost and simplicity associated with organic electronics, necessitates unconventional fabrication techniques such as soft lithography. Block copolymer self-assembled nanotemplates enable the production of conductive, gridlike metal electrode. The devices reported here exhibit On/Off ratio of 10(4).


20. patterned electrode for vertical FET

See also: 2006-2010
Last updated on 02/08/2019