

Uzi Leibner, Rural Settlements in Roman Galilee: An Archaeological Perspective from Khirbet Wadi el-Hamam, Yad Ben Zvi (forthcoming), (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, Khirbet Wadi Ḥamam: A Roman-period Village and Synagogue in the Lower Galilee, Jerusalem: Qedem Reports 13, the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2018.

Uzi Leibner, Settlement and History in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Galilee: An Archaeological Survey of the Eastern Galilee, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism Series. 2009.



Orit Peleg-Barkat, J. Ashkenazi, U. Leibner, M. Aviam and R. Talgam (eds.), Between the Sea and the Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks - Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, Jerusalem 2019. 

Uzi Leibner and Catherine Hezser (eds.), Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016.

Eyal Baruch, Uzi Leibner, and Avi Faust (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Vol. 9, 2003. Bar IlanUniversity: Ramat Gan, (Hebrew). 



Benjamin Arubas and Uzi Leibner, ‘The Invisible Synagogues of the Second Temple ‎Period,’ in: Robert Brody, Noah Hacham, Jan Willem van Henten and Meron Piotrkowski (eds.) “A Vision of the Days” Studies in Early Jewish History and Historiography in Honor of Daniel R. Schwartz N, forthcoming.

Mika Ulman, Uri Davidovich, and Uzi Leibner, "Human activity in caves in the Eastern Galilee: Archaeology and history," in Amos Frumkin and Yinon Shivtiel (eds.), Holy Land Atlas: Eastern Galilee Caves (forthcoming).

Uzi Leibner, ‘Galilee in the Second Century BCE: Material Culture and Ethnic Identity,’ in Andrea M. Berlin and Paul J. Kosmin, eds. The Middle Maccabees: From the Death of Judas through the Reign of John Hyrcanus (ca. 160–104 BCE). New Archaeological and Historical Perspectives. Atlanta: SBL Press 2021, pp. 123-144.

Uzi Leibner, "The Dating of the “Galilean”-Type Synagogues: Khirbet Wadi Hamam as a Case-Study," in L. Doering and A. R. Krause (eds.), Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories, Göttingen 2020, pp. 43-70.

Uzi Leibner, and Stefano De Luca "A Monastery in Magdala," in: O. Peleg-Barkat, J. Ashkenazi, U. Leibner, M. Aviam, and R. Talgam (eds.), Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks – Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, Jerusalem 2019, pp. 57-76 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, ‘Material Culture and Ethnic Identity in Hellenistic-Period Galilee: Kh. el-‘Eika as a Case Study,’ in L. Sagiv, N. Hacham, G. Herman and D. Rivlin-Katz (eds.), A question of identity: Formation, transition, negotiation, Berlin/Boston 2019, pp. 265-289.

Uzi Leibner, ‘Geography and Realia in Midrash Kohelet Rabbah,’ in, M. Hirshman (ed.), Midrash Kohelet Rabbah 1-6: Critical edition based on manuscripts and Genizah fragments, Jerusalem 2016, pp. 116-125 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, ‘Rabbinic Traditions and Synagogue Art,’ in U. Leibner and C. Hezser (eds.), Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context, Tubingen 2016, pp. 139-154.

Catherine Hezser and Uzi Leibner, ‘Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context: An Introductory Essay,’ in U. Leibner and C. Hezser (eds.), Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016, pp. 1-23.

Uzi Leibner, “Khirbet Wadi Hamam in the Early and Middle Roman Periods,” in Galilee in D.A. Fiensy and J.R. Strange (eds.), Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods: Vol. 2: The Archaeological Record from Cities, Towns, and Villages, Fortress Press, Minneapolis MN, 2015, pp. 343-361.

Uzi Leibner, “An Illustrated Midrash of Mekilta de R. Ishmael, Vayehi Beshalah, 1,” in S. Fine and A. Koller (eds.), Talmuda De'Eretz Yisrael: Archaeology and the Rabbis in Late Antiquity, De Gruyter Publishers, (2014) pp. 83-96.

Uzi Leibner, “Khirbet Wadi Hamam in the Early and Middle Roman Periods,” in D.A. Fiensy and J.R. Strange (eds.), Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods, Volume 2: The Archaeological Record from Cities, Towns, and Villages, Minneapolis: Fortress, 2014, pp. 343-361.

Uzi Leibner, “Arts and Crafts, Manufacture and Production,” in C. Hezser (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2010, pp. 264-296.

Uzi Leibner, “Settlement Patterns in the Eastern Galilee: Implications Regarding the Transformation of Rabbinic Culture in Late Antiquity,” in L. I. Levine and D. R. Schwartz (eds.), Jewish Identities in Antiquity: Studies in Memory of Menahem Stern, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen 2009, pp. 266-292.

Uzi Leibner, “Settlement and Demography in Late Roman and Byzantine Eastern Galilee,” in L. Di Segni, Y. Hirschfeld, J. Patrich, and R. Talgam (eds.), Man Near a Roman Arch: Studies Presented to Prof. Yoram Tsafrir, Israel Exploration Society: Jerusalem 2009, pp. 14-28 (Hebrew)



Roi Sabar, Danny Syon, Yoav Farhi, and Uzi Leibner, "A Hoard From Khirbet el-‘Eika and the Mid-Second Century BCE Disruption in the Galilee," American Journal of Numismatics (forthcoming). 

Uzi Leibner, "The Tradition about the Exiles of the Sanhedrin and the History of Jewish Settlement in the Galilee in the Roman and Byzantine Periods," Mehkarei Talmud, vol. 4 (forthcoming), (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, David Adan-Bayewitz, Frank Asaro and Michael D. Glascock, "A Pottery Production-Site for late Second Temple-period Jerusalem," Eretz Israel 34, forthcoming (Hebrew).

Nili Ahipaz and Uzi Leibner, "Floor Deposits in Ancient Synagogues: A Regional Practice in Late Antique Palestine,"Jewish Quarterly Studies 30 (2023), 138–160

Uzi Leibner, Gideon Goldenberg, Noa Goldberg and Yoav Farhi, "Khirbet Ghurabeh: A Fortified Site from the Hellenistic Period in the Ella Valley," New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region 15 (2022), pp. 287-320.

Uzi Leibner and Yair Amitzur, "A Lavish, Roman-period Burial Cave at Tiberias," Israel Exploration Journal 72 (2022), pp. 223–237.

Uzi Leibner and Benjamin Arubas, "Invisible Synagogues of the Second Temple-Period," Cathedra 180 (2022), pp. 9-32, (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner and Roi Sabar, "The Historical Background of the Hasmonean Occupation of the Galilee," Te’uda ‎‎33 (2022), pp. 373-388, (Hebrew).‎

Hadass Shambadal and Uzi Leibner, "The 'ḥadut' - An Underground Storage Installation in Roman Palestine: A case study in Talmudic realia," Cathedra 182 (2022), pp. 9-26 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner and Yair Amitzur, ‘A Lavish Burial Cave at Tiberias,’ Qadmoniot 161 (2021), pp. 80-84 ‎‎(Hebrew). ‎

Azriel Yechezkel, Yoav Negev, Amos Frumkin, and Uzi Leibner, ‘The Shaft Tunnel of the Biar aqueduct of Jerusalem: Architecture, hydrology, and dating,’ Geoarchaeology (2021), pp. 1–28.

Uzi Leibner, ‘Archaeology and Identity in Second-Century Galilee – Review of Rick Bonnie: Being Jewish in Galilee, 100–200 CE: An Archaeological Study (Turnhout 2019), Journal of Roman Archaeology 34 (2021), pp. 1-14. [book review].

Uzi Leibner, ‘The Fortress of Machaerus in Transjordan,’ Qadmoniot 161 (2020), 106-119 (Hebrew).

Nili Ahipaz and Uzi Leibner, ‘Floor Deposits in Ancient Synagogues,’ Zion 86 (2020), 211-230 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, ‘The End of the Amoraic Period in the Land of Israel: Periodization, History and Archaeology,’ Tarbiz 86.4 (2020), pp. 575 – 610 (Hebrew).

Stefano De Luca and Uzi Leibner, ‘A Monastery in Magdala (Taricheae)?’ Journal of Roman Archaeology 32 (2019), pp. 399 – 414.

Rivka Elitzur-Leiman and Uzi Leibner, ‘An Amulet from Khirbet Wadi Ḥamam,’ Israel Exploration Journal 66 (2016), pp. 220—231.

Uzi Leibner and Benjamin Arubas, “Summary of the Excavation Project at Khirbet Wadi Hamam, a Roman Period Village in the Galilee,” Qadmoniot 149 (2015) pp. 28-39 (Hebrew).

Roi Sabar, Uzi Leibner, Uri Davidovich, and Boaz Langford, “Survey of the Caves in the Cliffs of Mount Nitai,” Qadmoniot 149 (2015) pp. 46-50 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, Yinon Shivtiel,  Nir Distelfeld, “An Early Roman Hiding Complex at ‘Enot Sho‘im,Central Lower Galilee,” TEL AVIV Vol. 42 (2015), 127–143

Uzi Leibner, “Determining the settlement history of Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine sites in the Galilee, Israel: Comparing Surface, Subsurface, and Stratified Artifact Assemblages,” Journal of Field Archaeology 39.4 (2014), pp. 387-400.

Uzi Leibner and Chaim Ben David, “Imported Fine Ware in Palaestina Secunda: Geographic, Economic, and Ethnic Aspects,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 371 (2014), pp. 185-201.

Uzi Leibner, Uri Davidovich, and Benjamin Arubas, “The Structure, Date, and Purpose of the Fortification on Mount Nitai,” Eretz-Israel 31 (2014), the Ehud Netzer Volume. Pp. 236-246 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner and Gabriela Bijovsky, “Two Hoards from Khirbet Wadi Hamam and the Scope of the Bar Kokhba Revolt”, Israel Numismatic Research 8 (2014), pp.109-134.

Uri Davidovich, Mika Ullman, and Uzi Leibner, ‘Proto-historic occurrences in Mount Nitai and Khirbat Wadi Hamam, Northeastern Lower Galilee,’ Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 43 (2013), pp. 189-204.

Uzi Leibner, “The Origins of Jewish Settlement in Galilee in the Second Temple Period: Historical Sources and Archaeological Data’, Zion 77 (2012), pp. 437–469 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, “Excavations at Khirbet Wadi Hamam (Lower Galilee): the Synagogue and the Settlement,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 23, pp. 220-237.

Uzi Leibner and Shulamit Miller, “A Figural Mosaic in the Synagogue at Khirbet Wadi Hamam,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 23, pp. 238-264.

Uzi Leibner, “Khirbet Wadi Hamam – A Roman-Period Village and Synagogue in the Galilee,” Qadmoniot 139 (2010), pp. 30-40 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, “Settlement and Demography in Late Roman and Byzantine Eastern Galilee,” in A. S. Lewin and P. Pellegrini (eds.), Settlements and Demography in the Near East in Late Antiquity, Biblioteca di Mediterraneo Antico, 2 (2006). Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali: Pisa and Rome, pp. 105–130.

Uzi Leibner, “Identifying Gennesar on the Sea of Galilee,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 19 (2006), pp. 229–245.

Uzi Leibner, “A Galilean-Geographical Midrash on the Journey of Job’s Servant-Lads,” Cathedra 120 (2006), pp. 33–54 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, “23rd of Mar Heshvan in the Ta‘anit Scroll,” Tarbiz 71 (2003), pp. 5–17 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, “The Carobs of Shikma, the Carobs of Tsalmona and the Carobs of Gedora in Rabbinical Sources: Geographical or Botanical Names?,” Cathedra 109 (2003), pp. 175–184 (Hebrew).

Uzi Leibner, “Ritual Law and a Roman Road in the Golan,” Al Attar 4/5 (1999), pp. 193–198 (Hebrew).