
Bloch, Itay M, et al.New constraints on axion-like dark matter using a Floquet quantum detector”. Science advances 85 (2022). Web. Publisher's Version
Arjmand, Payvand, et al.Three-dimensional broadband light beam manipulation in forward scattering samples”. Optics Express 29.5 (2021): , 29, 5, 6563-6581. Web. Publisher's Version
Sommer, Tal I., and Ori Katz. “Pixel-reassignment in ultrasound imaging”. Applied Physics Letters 119.12 (2021): , 119, 12, 123701. Web. Publisher's Version
Rosenfeld, Moriya, et al.Acousto-optic ptychography”. Optica 86 (2021): , 8, 6, 936–943. Web. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Acousto-optic imaging (AOI) enables optical-contrast imaging deep inside scattering samples via localized ultrasound-modulation of scattered light. While AOI allows optical investigations at depths, its imaging resolution is inherently limited by the ultrasound wavelength, prohibiting microscopic investigations. Here, we propose a computational imaging approach that allows optical diffraction-limited imaging using a conventional AOI system. We achieve this by extracting diffraction-limited imaging information from speckle correlations in the conventionally detected ultrasound-modulated scattered-light fields. Specifically, we identify that since ``memory-effect'' speckle correlations allow estimation of the Fourier magnitude of the field inside the ultrasound focus, scanning the ultrasound focus enables robust diffraction-limited reconstruction of extended objects using ptychography (i.e., we exploit the ultrasound focus as the scanned spatial-gate probe required for ptychographic phase retrieval). Moreover, we exploit the short speckle decorrelation-time in dynamic media, which is usually considered a hurdle for wavefront-shaping- based approaches, for improved ptychographic reconstruction. We experimentally demonstrate noninvasive imaging of targets that extend well beyond the memory-effect range, with a 40-times resolution improvement over conventional AOI.

Yeminy, Tomer, and Ori Katz. “Guidestar-free image-guided wavefront shaping”. Science Advances 721 (2021): , 7, 21, eabf5364. Web. Publisher's Version
Shekel, Noam, and Ori Katz. “Using fiber-bending-generated speckles for improved working distance and background rejection in lensless micro-endoscopy”. Opt. Lett. 45.15 (2020): , 45, 15, 4288–4291. Web. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Lensless flexible fiber-bundle-based endoscopes allow imaging at depths beyond the reach of conventional microscopes with a minimal footprint. These multicore fibers provide a simple solution for wide-field fluorescent imaging when the target is adjacent to the fiber facet. However, they suffer from a very limited working distance and out-of-focus background. Here, we carefully study the dynamic speckle illumination patterns generated by bending a commercial fiber bundle and show that they can be exploited to allow extended working distance and background rejection, using a super-resolution fluctuations imaging analysis of multiple frames, without the addition of any optical elements.

Weinberg, Gil, and Ori Katz. “100,000 frames-per-second compressive imaging with a conventional rolling-shutter camera by random point-spread-function engineering”. Opt. Express 28.21 (2020): , 28, 21, 30616–30625. Web. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We demonstrate an approach that allows taking videos at very high frame-rates of over 100,000 frames per second by exploiting the fast sampling rate of the standard rolling-shutter readout mechanism, common to most conventional sensors, and a compressive-sampling acquisition scheme. Our approach is directly applied to a conventional imaging system by the simple addition of a diffuser to the pupil plane that randomly encodes the entire field-of-view to each camera row, while maintaining diffraction-limited resolution. A short video is reconstructed from a single camera frame via a compressed-sensing reconstruction algorithm, exploiting the inherent sparsity of the imaged scene.

Doktofsky, Daniel, Moriya Rosenfeld, and Ori Katz. “Acousto optic imaging beyond the acoustic diffraction limit using speckle decorrelation”. Communications Physics 31 (2020): , 3, 1, 1-8. Web. Publisher's Version
Pascucci, Marco, et al.Compressive three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy with speckle-saturated fluorescence excitation”. Nature communications 10.1 (2019): , 10, 1, 1327. Web. Publisher's Version
Stern, Galya, and Ori Katz. “Noninvasive focusing through scattering layers using speckle correlations”. Optics Letters 44.1 (2019): , 44, 1, 143–146. Web. Publisher's Version
Boger-Lombard, Jeremy, and Ori Katz. “Passive optical time-of-flight for non line-of-sight localization”. Nature Communications 10 (2019). Web. Publisher's Version
Katz, Ori, et al.Controlling light in complex media beyond the acoustic diffraction-limit using the acousto-optic transmission matrix”. Nature communications 10.1 (2019): , 10, 1, 717. Web. Publisher's Version
Salhov, Ofer, Gil Weinberg, and Ori Katz. “Depth-resolved speckle-correlations imaging through scattering layers via coherence gating”. Optics letters 43.22 (2018): , 43, 22, 5528–5531. Web. Publisher's Version
Weiss, Uri, and Ori Katz. “Two-photon lensless micro-endoscopy with in-situ wavefront correction”. Optics Express 26.22 (2018): , 26, 22, 28808–28817. Web. Publisher's Version
Hojman, Eliel, et al.Photoacoustic imaging beyond the acoustic diffraction-limit with dynamic speckle illumination and sparse joint support recovery”. Optics Express 25.5 (2017): , 25, 5, 4875–4886. Web. Publisher's Version
Chaigne, Thomas, et al.Super-resolution photoacoustic imaging via flow-induced absorption fluctuations”. Optica 411 (2017): , 4, 11, 1297–1404. Web. Publisher's Version
Wu, Tengfei, et al.Single-shot diffraction-limited imaging through scattering layers via bispectrum analysis”. Optics Letters 41.21 (2016): , 41, 21, 5003–5006. Web. Publisher's Version
Mounaix, Mickael, et al.Spatiotemporal coherent control of light through a multiple scattering medium with the multispectral transmission matrix”. Physical review letters 116.25 (2016): , 116, 25, 253901. Web. Publisher's Version
Chaigne, Thomas, et al.Super-resolution photoacoustic fluctuation imaging with multiple speckle illumination”. Optica 31 (2016): , 3, 1, 54–57. Web. Publisher's Version
Tsvirkun, Viktor, et al.Widefield lensless endoscopy with a multicore fiber”. Optics Letters 41.20 (2016): , 41, 20, 4771–4774. Web. Publisher's Version
