Publications by Year: 2011

Schwartz, Osip, et al.Shot noise limited characterization of ultraweak femtosecond pulse trains”. Optics Express 19 (2011): , 19, 679–686. Print.
Frostig, Hadas, et al.Single-pulse stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy”. Optics letters 36 (2011): , 36, 1248–1250. Print.
Schippers, W, et al.Stimulated Raman rotational photoacoustic spectroscopy using a quartz tuning fork and femtosecond excitation”. Applied Physics B 105 (2011): , 105, 203–211. Print.
Katz, Ori, et al.Focusing and compression of ultrashort pulses through scattering media”. Nature photonics 5 (2011): , 5, 372–377. Web. Publisher's Version
Gueta, Rachel, et al.Structural and mechanical analysis of tectorial membrane Tecta mutants”. Biophysical journal 100 (2011): , 100, 2530–2538. Print.