
Zohar, G. ; Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Multiexciton generation in IV–VI nanocrystals: the role of carrier effective mass, band mixing, and phonon emission. The journal of physical chemistry letters 2013, 4 317–322.Abstract

We study the role of the effective mass, band mixing, and phonon emission on multiexciton generation in IV–VI nanocrystals. A four-band k · p effective mass model, which allows for an independent variation of these parameters, is adopted to describe the electronic structure of the nanocrystals. Multiexciton generation efficiencies are calculated using a Green’s function formalism, providing results that are numerically similar to impact excitation. We find that multiexciton generation efficiencies are maximized when the effective mass of the electron and hole are small and similar. Contact with recent experimental results for multiexciton generation in PbS and PbSe is made.

Neuhauser, D. ; Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Expeditious Stochastic Approach for MP2 Energies in Large Electronic Systems. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9 24–27.Abstract

A fast stochastic method for calculating the second order Møller-Plesset (MP2) correction to the correlation energy of large systems of electrons is presented. The approach is based on reducing the exact summation over occupied and unoccupied states to a time-dependent trace formula amenable to stochastic sampling. We demonstrate the abilities of the method to treat systems with thousands of electrons using hydrogen passivated silicon spherical nanocrystals represented on a real space grid, much beyond the capabilities of present day MP2 implementations.

Neuhauser, D. ; Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Expeditious Stochastic Calculation of Random-Phase Approximation Energies for Thousands of Electrons in Three Dimensions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4 1172–1176.Abstract

A fast method is developed for calculating the random phase approximation (RPA) correlation energy for density functional theory. The correlation energy is given by a trace over a projected RPA response matrix, and the trace is taken by a stochastic approach using random perturbation vectors. For a fixed statistical error in the total energy per electron, the method scales, at most, quadratically with the system size; however, in practice, due to self-averaging, it requires less statistical sampling as the system grows, and the performance is close to linear scaling. We demonstrate the method by calculating the RPA correlation energy for cadmium selenide and silicon nanocrystals with over 1500 electrons. We find that the RPA correlation energies per electron are largely independent of the nanocrystal size. In addition, we show that a correlated sampling technique enables calculation of the energy difference between two slightly distorted configurations with scaling and a statistical error similar to that of the total energy per electron.

Refaely-Abramson, S. ; Sharifzadeh, S. ; Jain, M. ; Baer, R. ; Neaton, J. B. ; Kronik, L. Gap renormalization of molecular crystals from density-functional theory. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 88, 081204.Abstract

Fundamental gap renormalization due to electronic polarization is a basic phenomenon in molecular crystals. Despite its ubiquity and importance, all conventional approaches within density-functional theory completely fail to capture it, even qualitatively. Here, we present a new screened range-separated hybrid functional, which, through judicious introduction of the scalar dielectric constant, quantitatively captures polarization-induced gap renormalization, as demonstrated on the prototypical organic molecular crystals of benzene, pentacene, and C60. This functional is predictive, as it contains system-specific adjustable parameters that are determined from first principles, rather than from empirical considerations.

Baratz, A. ; Galperin, M. ; Baer, R. Gate-Induced Intramolecular Charge Transfer in a Tunnel Junction: A Nonequilibrium Analysis. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 10257–10263.Abstract

A recently introduced molecular junction, for which the gate acts as an on/off switch for intrajunction electron transfer between localized donor and acceptor sites is studied. We demonstrate that a Landauer + density functional (DFT) approach is fundamentally flawed for describing the electronic conductance in this system. By comparing the Landauer + DFT conductance to that predicted by the Redfield quantum master equations, we point out several effects that cannot be explained by the former approach. The molecular junction is unique in the small number of conductance channels and their sharp response to the gate.

Ge, Q. ; Gao, Y. ; Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. ; Neuhauser, D. A Guided Stochastic Energy-Domain Formulation of the Second Order Møller–Plesset Perturbation Theory. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 5 185–189.Abstract

We develop an alternative formulation in the energy-domain to calculate the second order Møller–Plesset (MP2) perturbation energies. The approach is based on repeatedly choosing four random energies using a nonseparable guiding function, filtering four random orbitals at these energies, and averaging the resulting Coulomb matrix elements to obtain a statistical estimate of the MP2 correlation energy. In contrast to our time-domain formulation, the present approach is useful for both quantum chemistry and real-space/plane wave basis sets. The scaling of the MP2 calculation is roughly linear with system size, providing a useful tool to study dispersion energies in large systems. This is demonstrated on a structure of 64 fullerenes within the SZ basis as well as on silicon nanocrystals using real-space grids.

Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Communication: Biexciton generation rates in CdSe nanorods are length independent. J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138, 051102–4.Abstract

We study how shape affects multiexciton generation rates in a semiconducting nanocrystal by considering CdSe nanorods with varying diameters and aspect ratios. The calculations employ an atomistic semiempirical pseudopotential model combined with an efficacious stochastic approach applied to systems containing up to 20 000 atoms. The effect of nanorod diameter and aspect ratio on multiexciton generation rates is analyzed in terms of the scaling of the density of trion states and the scaling of the Coulomb couplings. Both show distinct scaling from spherical nanocrystals leading to a surprising result where the multiexciton generation rates are roughly independent of the nanorod length.

Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Rabani, E. Self-Averaging Stochastic Kohn-Sham Density-Functional Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 111, 106402. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We formulate the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) as a statistical theory in which the electron density is determined from an average of correlated stochastic densities in a trace formula. The key idea is that it is sufficient to converge the total energy per electron to within a predefined statistical error in order to obtain reliable estimates of the electronic band structure, the forces on nuclei, the density and its moments, etc. The fluctuations in the total energy per electron are guaranteed to decay to zero as the system size increases. This facilitates “self-averaging” which leads to the first ever report of sublinear scaling KS-DFT electronic structure. The approach sidesteps calculation of the density matrix and thus, is insensitive to its evasive sparseness, as demonstrated here for silicon nanocrystals. The formalism is not only appealing in terms of its promise to far push the limits of application of KS-DFT, but also represents a cognitive change in the way we think of electronic structure calculations as this stochastic theory seamlessly converges to the thermodynamic limit.

Stein, T. ; Autschbach, J. ; Govind, N. ; Kronik, L. ; Baer, R. Curvature and Frontier Orbital Energies in Density Functional Theory. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3 3740–3744.Abstract

Perdew et al. discovered two different properties of exact Kohn–Sham density functional theory (DFT): (i) The exact total energy versus particle number is a series of linear segments between integer electron points. (ii) Across an integer number of electrons, the exchange-correlation potential “jumps” by a constant, known as the derivative discontinuity (DD). Here we show analytically that in both the original and the generalized Kohn–Sham formulation of DFT the two properties are two sides of the same coin. The absence of a DD dictates deviation from piecewise linearity, but the latter, appearing as curvature, can be used to correct for the former, thereby restoring the physical meaning of orbital energies. A simple correction scheme for any semilocal and hybrid functional, even Hartree–Fock theory, is shown to be effective on a set of small molecules, suggesting a practical correction for the infamous DFT gap problem. We show that optimally tuned range-separated hybrid functionals can inherently minimize both DD and curvature, thus requiring no correction, and that this can be used as a sound theoretical basis for novel tuning strategies.

Salzner, U. ; Baer, R. Density functional theory orbital energies for predicting ionization energies. In AIP Conference Proceedings; AIP, 2012; Vol. 1504, pp. 1257–1260.Abstract

The range-separated Baer-Neuhauser-Livshits functional with optimized range-separation parameter \gamma was employed to predict ionization energies of alkanes and oligothiophenes. For all systems negative orbital energies of neutral species are consistent with explicitly calculated states of cations. For \sigma-systems excellent agreement with experiment is obtained while for conjugated π-systems IPs are underestimated.

Refaely-Abramson, S. ; Sharifzadeh, S. ; Govind, N. ; Autschbach, J. ; Neaton, J. B. ; Baer, R. ; Kronik, L. Quasiparticle Spectra from a Nonempirical Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Density Functional. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012, 109, 226405. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We present a method for obtaining outer-valence quasiparticle excitation energies from a density-functional-theory-based calculation, with an accuracy that is comparable to that of many-body perturbation theory within the GW approximation. The approach uses a range-separated hybrid density functional, with an asymptotically exact and short-range fractional Fock exchange. The functional contains two parameters, the range separation and the short-range Fock fraction. Both are determined nonempirically, per system, on the basis of the satisfaction of exact physical constraints for the ionization potential and frontier-orbital many-electron self-interaction, respectively. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated on four important benchmark organic molecules: perylene, pentacene, 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianydride (PTCDA), and 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride (NTCDA). We envision that for the outer-valence excitation spectra of finite systems the approach could provide an inexpensive alternative to GW, opening the door to the study of presently out of reach large-scale systems.

Kronik, L. ; Stein, T. ; Refaely-Abramson, S. ; Baer, R. Excitation Gaps of Finite-Sized Systems from Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012, 8 1515–1531.Abstract

Excitation gaps are of considerable significance in electronic structure theory. Two different gaps are of particular interest. The fundamental gap is defined by charged excitations, as the difference between the first ionization potential and the first electron affinity. The optical gap is defined by a neutral excitation, as the difference between the energies of the lowest dipole-allowed excited state and the ground state. Within many-body perturbation theory, the fundamental gap is the difference between the corresponding lowest quasi-hole and quasi-electron excitation energies, and the optical gap is addressed by including the interaction between a quasi-electron and a quasi-hole. A long-standing challenge has been the attainment of a similar description within density functional theory (DFT), with much debate on whether this is an achievable goal even in principle. Recently, we have constructed and applied a new approach to this problem. Anchored in the rigorous theoretical framework of the generalized Kohn–Sham equation, our method is based on a range-split hybrid functional that uses exact long-range exchange. Its main novel feature is that the range-splitting parameter is not a universal constant but rather is determined from first principles, per system, based on satisfaction of the ionization potential theorem. For finite-sized objects, this DFT approach mimics successfully, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, the quasi-particle picture of many-body theory. Specifically, it allows for the extraction of both the fundamental and the optical gap from one underlying functional, based on the HOMO–LUMO gap of a ground-state DFT calculation and the lowest excitation energy of a linear-response time-dependent DFT calculation, respectively. In particular, it produces the correct optical gap for the difficult case of charge-transfer and charge-transfer-like scenarios, where conventional functionals are known to fail. In this perspective, we overview the formal and practical challenges associated with gap calculations, explain our new approach and how it overcomes previous difficulties, and survey its application to a variety of systems.

Jain, P. K. ; Ghosh, D. ; Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. ; Alivisatos, A. P. Near-field manipulation of spectroscopic selection rules on the nanoscale. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2012, 109, 8016–8019.Abstract

In conventional spectroscopy, transitions between electronic levels are governed by the electric dipole selection rule because electric quadrupole, magnetic dipole, and coupled electric dipole-magnetic dipole transitions are forbidden in a far field. We demonstrated that by using nanostructured electromagnetic fields, the selection rules of absorption spectroscopy could be fundamentally manipulated. We also show that forbidden transitions between discrete quantum levels in a semiconductor nanorod structure are allowed within the near-field of a noble metal nanoparticle. Atomistic simulations analyzed by an effective mass model reveal the breakdown of the dipolar selection rules where quadrupole and octupole transitions are allowed. Our demonstration could be generalized to the use of nanostructured near-fields for enhancing light-matter interactions that are typically weak or forbidden.

Jacobi, S. ; Baer, R. Variational grand-canonical electronic structure of Li+ Li at 10,000 K with second-order perturbation theory corrections. Theor. Chem. Acc. 2012, 131, 1113.Abstract

An ab initio variational grand-canonical electronic structure mean-field method, based on the Gibbs–Peierls–Bogoliubov minimum principle for the Gibbs free energy, is applied to the di-lithium (Li+Li) system at temperatures around T \approx 10,000 K and electronic chemical potential of μ \approx -0.1Eh. The method is an extension of the Hartree–Fock approach to finite temperatures. We first study the Li2 molecule at a frozen inter-nuclear distance of R = 3 \AA as a function of temperature. The mean-field electronic structure changes smoothly as temperature increases, up to 104 K, where a sharp spontaneous spin-polarization emerges as the variational mean-field solution. Further increase in the temperature extinguishes this polarization. We analyze the mean-field behavior using a correlated single-site Hubbard model and show it arises from an attempt of the mean-field to mimic the polarization of the spin–spin correlation function of the exact solution. Next, we keep constant the temperature at 104 K and examine the electronic structure as a function of inter-nuclear distance R. At R = 3.7 \AA, a crossing between two free energy states occurs: One state is “spin-unpolarized” (becomes lower in energy when R \ge 3.7 \AA), while the other is “spin polarized”. This crossing causes near-discontinuous jumps in calculated properties of the system and is associated with using the noninteracting electron character of our mean-field approach. Such problems will likely plague FT-DFT calculations as well. We use second-order perturbation theory (PT2) to study effects of electron correlation on the potential of mean force between the two colliding Li atoms. We find that PT2 correlation free energy at  104 K is larger than at 0 K and tends to restore the spin-polarized state as the lowest free energy solution.

Baratz, A. ; Baer, R. Nonmechanical Conductance Switching in a Molecular Tunnel Junction. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3 498–502.Abstract

We present a molecular junction composed of a donor (polyacetylene strands) and an acceptor (malononitrile) connected together via a benzene ring and coupled weakly to source and drain electrodes on each side, for which a gate electrode induces intramolecular charge transfer, switching reversibly the character of conductance. Using a new brand of density functional theory, for which orbital energies are similar to the quasiparticle energies, we show that the junction displays a single, gate-tunable differential conductance channel in a wide energy range. The gate field must align parallel to the displacement vector between donors and acceptor to affect their potential difference; for strong enough fields, spontaneous intramolecular electron transfer occurs. This event radically affects conductance, reversing the charge of carriers, enabling a spin-polarized current channel. We discuss the physical principles controlling the operation of the junction and find interplay of quantum interference, charging, Coulomb blockade, and electron-hole binding energy effects. We expect that this switching behavior is a generic property for similar donor-acceptor systems of sufficient stability.

Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. Communication: Monte Carlo calculation of the exchange energy. J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 137, 051103–4.Abstract

In recent generalized Kohn-Sham (GKS) schemes for density functional theory (DFT) Hartree-Fock type exchange is important. In plane waves and grid approaches the high cost of exchange energy calculations makes these GKS considerably more expensive than Kohn-Sham DFT calculations. We develop a stochastic approach for speeding up the calculation of exchange for large systems. We show that stochastic error per particle does not grow and can even decrease with system size (at a given number of iterations). We discuss several alternative approaches and explain how these ideas can be included in the GKS framework.

Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Expeditious stochastic calculation of multiexciton generation rates in semiconductor nanocrystals. Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 2123–2128.Abstract

A stochastic method is developed to calculate the multiexciton generation (MEG) rates in semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs). The numerical effort scales near-linearly with system size allowing the study of MEG rates up to diameters and exciton energies previously unattainable using atomistic calculations. Illustrations are given for CdSe NCs of sizes and energies relevant to current experimental setups, where direct methods require treatment of over 1011 states. The approach is not limited to the study of MEG and can be applied to calculate other correlated electronic processes.

Ansbacher, T. ; Srivastava, H. K. ; Stein, T. ; Baer, R. ; Merkx, M. ; Shurki, A. Calculation of transition dipole moment in fluorescent proteins—towards efficient energy transfer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2012, 14, 4109–4117.Abstract

Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins (FPs) is widely used to construct fluorescent sensor proteins, to study intracellular protein-protein interactions and to monitor conformational changes in multidomain proteins. Although FRET depends strongly on the orientation of the transition dipole moments (TDMs) of the donor and acceptor fluorophores, this orientation dependence is currently not taken into account in FRET sensor design. Similarly, studies that use FRET to derive structural constrains typically assume a kappa(2) of 2/3 or use the TDM of green fluorescent protein, as this is the only FP for which the TDM has been determined experimentally. Here we used time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) methods to calculate the TDM for a comprehensive list of commonly used fluorescent proteins. The method was validated against higher levels of calculation. Validation with model compounds and the experimentally determined TDM of GFP shows that the TDM is mostly determined by the structure of the pi-conjugated fluorophore and is insensitive to non-conjugated side chains or the protein surrounding. Our calculations not only provide TDM for most of the currently used FPs, but also suggest an empirical rule that can be used to obtain the TDMs for newly developed fluorescent proteins in the future.

Refaely-Abramson, S. ; Baer, R. ; Kronik, L. Fundamental and excitation gaps in molecules of relevance for organic photovoltaics from an optimally tuned range-separated hybrid functional. Phys. Rev. B 2011, 84, 075144.Abstract

The fundamental and optical gaps of relevant molecular systems are of primary importance for organic-based photovoltaics. Unfortunately, whereas optical gaps are accessible with time-dependent density functional theory (DFT), the highest-occupied - lowest-unoccupied eigenvalue gaps resulting from DFT calculations with semi-local or hybrid functionals routinely and severely underestimate the fundamental gaps of gas-phase organic molecules. Here, we show that a range-separated hybrid functional, optimally tuned so as to obey Koopmans' theorem, provides fundamental gaps that are very close to benchmark results obtained from many-body perturbation theory in the GW approximation. We then show that using this functional does not compromise the possibility of obtaining reliable optical gaps from time-dependent DFT. We therefore suggest optimally tuned range-separated hybrid functionals as a practical and accurate tool for DFT-based predictions of photovoltaically relevant and other molecular systems.

Kuritz, N. ; Stein, T. ; Baer, R. ; Kronik, L. Charge-transfer-like $π$\ to $π$* excitations in time-dependent density functional theory: A conundrum and its solution. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2011, 7 2408–2415.Abstract

We address the conundrum posed by the well-known failure of time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) with conventional functionals for "charge-transfer-like" excitations in oligoacenes. We show that this failure is due to a small spatial overlap in orbitals obtained from the underlying single-electron orbitals by means of a unitary transformation. We further show that, as in true charge-transfer excitations, this necessarily results in failure of linear-response TDDFT with standard functionals. Range-separated hybrid functionals have been previously shown to mitigate such errors but at the cost of an empirically adjusted range-separation parameter. Here, we explain why this approach should succeed where conventional functionals fail. Furthermore, we show that optimal tuning of a range-separated hybrid functional, so as to enforce the DFT version of Koopmans' theorem, restores the predictive power of TDDFT even for such difficult cases, without any external reference data and without any adjustable parameters. We demonstrate the success of this approach on the oligoacene series and on related hydrocarbons. This resolves a long-standing question in TDDFT and extends the scope of molecules and systems to which TDDFT can be applied in a predictive manner.

