
Saravanan, C. ; Shao, Y. ; Baer, R. ; Ross, P. N. ; Head–Gordon, M. Sparse matrix multiplications for linear scaling electronic structure calculations in an atom-centered basis set using multiatom blocks. J. Comput. Chem. 2003, 24, 618–622. saravanan2003sparse.pdf
Lüchow, A. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Ka, J. ; Baer, R. ; Chen, J. ; Mandelshtam, V. A. Computing energy levels by inversion of imaginary-time cross-correlation functions. J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107, 7175–7180. luchow2003computing.pdf
Liu, C. ; Walter, D. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Baer, R. Molecular recognition and conductance in crown ethers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 13936–13937. liu2003.pdf
Neuhauser, D. ; Baer, R. ; Kosloff, R. Quantum soliton dynamics in vibrational chains: Comparison of fully correlated, mean field, and classical dynamics. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 5729–5735.Abstract

The dynamics of a chain of vibrational bonds which develop a classical solitary compression wave is simulated. A converged fully correlated quantum mechanical calculation is compared with a time dependent mean field approach (TDSCF) and with a classical simulation. The dynamics were all generated from the same Hamiltonian. The TDSCF and classical calculations show a fully developed solitary wave with the expected dependence of group velocity on amplitude. The full quantum calculations show a solitary-like wave which propagates for a while but then degrades. The robustness of the compression wave depends on the initial preparation. Evidence of partial recurrence of the wave has also been observed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.

Neuhauser, D. ; Baer, R. A two-grid time-dependent formalism for the Maxwell equation. Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 2003, 2 537–546. neuhauser2003.pdf
Hod, O. ; Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Carbon nanotube closed-ring structures. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 67, 195408.Abstract

We study the structure and stability of closed-ring carbon nanotubes using a theoretical model based on the Brenner-Tersoff potential. Many metastable structures can be produced. We focus on two methods of generating such structures. In the first, a ring is formed by geometric folding and is then relaxed into minimum energy using a minimizing algorithm. Short tubes do not stay closed. Yet tubes longer than 18 nm are kinetically stable. The other method starts from a straight carbon nanotube and folds it adiabatically into a closed-ring structure. The two methods give strikingly different structures. The structures of the second method are more stable and exhibit two buckles, independent of the nanotube length. This result is in strict contradiction to an elastic shell model. We analyze the results for the failure of the elastic model.

Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. Ab initio electrical conductance of a molecular wire. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2003, 91, 524–532. baer2003c.pdf
Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Zdanska, P. ; Moiseyev, N. Ionization and high-harmonic generation in aligned benzene by intense circularly polarized light. Phys. Rev. A 2003, 68, 043406. baer2003e.pdf
Baer, R. ; Kouri, D. J. ; Baer, M. ; Hoffman, D. K. General Born–Oppenheimer–Huang approach to systems of electrons and nuclei. The Journal of chemical physics 2003, 119, 6998–7002.Abstract

We reconsider the Born-Oppenheimer-Huang treatment of systems of electrons and nuclei for the case of their interaction with time-dependent fields. Initially, we present a framework in which all expressions derived are formally exact since no truncations are introduced. The objective is to explore the general structure of the equations under the most unrestricted conditions, including the possibility that the electronic basis is dependent both on the nuclear coordinates and on time. We then derive an application of the theory applicable to cases of interaction with strong time-dependent fields. The method truncates the electronic basis only after the time-dependent interaction is taken into account in the electronic wave functions. This leads to theory which is similar to a Born-Oppenheimer-type truncation within the interaction picture. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.

Anderson, S. M. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Baer, R. Trajectory-dependent cellularized frozen Gaussians, a new approach for semiclassical dynamics: Theory and application to He–naphtalene eigenvalues. The Journal of chemical physics 2003, 118, 9103–9108.Abstract

A semiclassical cellular method is proposed. Signals generated by semiclassical techniques generally deteriorate over time as trajectories become chaotic. One approach to remedy this problem has been to have each trajectory weighted by an entire cell of nearby trajectories (Filinov transform). But even in this approach the exponential part of the propagator typically becomes large and positive over time. Here the cellularization (Filinov) parameter is subject to constraints which make it time dependent and trajectory dependent. It also depends on dimensionality, so it ends up as a matrix. Physically, the Filinov transform is done differently in different directions associated with the stability matrix for the phase-essentially a more confined integration in directions where the matrix diverges and a wider integration in other directions. This squelches the contribution from any part of a trajectory that becomes excessively chaotic. A trajectory-dependent cellurized frozen Gaussian is applied here within the Herman-Kluk semiclassical approach. It is tested by looking at a single-particle three-dimensional problem, He attached to a rigid immovable naphtalene, where it is shown to be more accurate than the original HK approach, without the divergence of the correlation function common in the usual cellular dynamics (HK) formulation, and is able to separate a low-lying excited state from the ground state. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.

Szichman, H. ; Baer, R. A five-dimensional quantum mechanical study of the H+ CH 4 –> H 2+ CH 3 reaction. The Journal of chemical physics 2002, 117, 7614–7623. szichman2002.pdf
Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Computational chemistry of quantum mechanical processes - Foreword by the Guest Editors. Isr. J. Chem. 2002, 42, I-I.
Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. Anti-coherence based molecular electronics: XOR-gate response. Chem. Phys. 2002, 281, 353–362.Abstract

We point out and simulate the possible utility of anti-coherence in molecular electronics. In ballistic transfer through a molecule with a large loop that fulfils a certain phase condition on the loop structure, the transfer would be anti-coherent. By applying one or two control voltages to the molecule, that modify the relative phase through the two parts of the loop, the transfer could be controlled, just like in FET or in XOR gates. The simulations use the absorbing-potential based flux-flux formulae with a Huckel-Hamiltonian in a Landauer formulation, and are numerically equivalent to a weighted time-dependent correlation function. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. Phase coherent electronics: A molecular switch based on quantum interference. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 4200–4201. baer2002h.pdf
Baer, R. Born-Oppenheimer invariants along nuclear paths. J. Chem. Phys. 2002, 117, 7405. baer2002c.pdf
Baer, R. Non-adiabatic couplings by time-dependent density functional theory. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2002, 364, 75–79. baer2002.pdf
Baer, R. ; Neuhauser, D. Shifted Contour Auxiliary Field Monte Carlo. In Recent Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo Methods II; W.A. Lester Jr., S. R. ; Tanaka, S., Ed.; World Scientific: Singapore, 2002; Vol. 3, pp. 279. baer2002f.pdf
Baer, R. Ab initio computation of molecular singlet-triplet energy differences using auxiliary field Monte Carlo. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2001, 343, 535–542. baer2001d.pdf
Baer, R. ; Gould, R. A method for ab initio nonlinear electron-density evolution. J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 3385–3392.Abstract

A numerical method is given for effecting nonlinear local density functional evolution. Within a given time interval, Chebyshev quadrature points are used to sample the evolving orbitals. An implicit equation coupling wave functions at the different time points is then set up. The equation is solved iteratively using the ‘‘direct inversion in iterative space’’ acceleration technique. Spatially, the orbitals are represented on a Fourier grid combined with soft pseudopotentials. The method is first applied to the computation of the 3Pg adiabatic potential energy curves of Al2 . Next, the electronic dynamics of a toy molecular wire is studied. The wire consists of a C2H4 molecule connected via sulfur atoms to two gold atoms, the ‘‘electrodes.’’ The molecule is placed in a homogeneous electric field and a dynamical process of charge transfer is observed. By comparing the transient with that of a resistance-capacitance circuit, an effective Ohmic resistance and capacitance is estimated for the system.

Adhikari, S. ; Baer, R. Augmented Lagrangian Method for Order-N Electronic Structure. J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 115, 11.Abstract

Molecular electronic ground-state theories, whether ab initio, or semiempirical are most often formulated as a variational principle, where the electronic ground-state energy, considered a linear or nonlinear functional of a reduced density matrix, obtains a constrained minimum. In this communication, we present a Lagrangian analysis of the self-consistent-field electronic structure problem, which does not resort to the concept of orthogonal molecular orbitals. We also develop a method of constrained minimization efficiently applicable to nonlinear energy functional minimization, as well as to linear models such as tight-binding. The method is able to treat large molecules with an effort that scales linearly with the system size. It has built-in robustness and leads directly to the desired minimal solution. Performance is demonstrated on linear alkane and polyene chains.

