Kurzweil, Y. ; Baer, R. Adapting approximate-memory potentials for time-dependent density functional theory.
Phys. Rev. B 2008,
77, 085121.
AbstractFrequency dependent exchange-correlation kernels for time-dependent density functional theory can be used to construct approximate exchange-correlation potentials. The resulting potentials are usually not translationally covariant nor do they obey the so-called zero-force condition. These two basic symmetry requirements are essential for using the potentials in actual applications (even in the linear regime). We provide two pragmatic methods for fully imposing these conditions for both linear and nonlinear regimes. As an example, we take the Gross and Kohn frequency dependent XC functional [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2850 (1985)], correct it, and numerically test it on a sodium metal cluster. Violation of the basic symmetries causes instabilities or spurious low frequency modes.
kurzweil2008adapting.pdf Livshits, E. ; Baer, R. A Density Functional Theory for Symmetric Radical Cations from Bonding to Dissociation.
J. Phys. Chem. A 2008,
112, 12789–12791.
Publisher's VersionAbstractIt has been known for quite some time that approximate density functional (ADF) theories fail disastrously when describing the dissociative symmetric radical cations R2+. By considering this dissociation limit, previous work has shown that Hartree-Fock (HF) theory favors the R+1-R-0 charge distribution, whereas DF approximations favor the R+(0.5)-R+0.5. Yet, general quantum mechanical principles indicate that both these (as well as all intermediate) average charge distributions are asymptotically energy degenerate. Thus, HF and ADF theories mistakenly break the symmetry but in a contradicting way. In this letter, we show how to construct system-dependent long-range corrected (LC) density functionals that can successfully treat this class of molecules, avoiding the spurious symmetry breaking. Examples and comparisons to experimental data is given for R = H, He, and Ne, and it is shown that the new LC theory improves considerably the theoretical description of the R-2(+) bond properties, the long-range form of the asymptotic potential curve, and the atomic polarizability. The broader impact of this finding is discussed as well, and it is argued that the widespread semiempirical approach which advocates treating the LC parameter as a system-independent parameter is in fact inappropriate under general circumstances.
livshits2008.pdf Hod, O. ; Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Magnetoresistance of nanoscale molecular devices based on Aharonov-Bohm interferometry.
J. Phys. C 2008,
20, 383201.
AbstractControl of conductance in molecular junctions is of key importance in the growing field of molecular electronics. The current in these junctions is often controlled by an electric gate designed to shift conductance peaks into the low bias regime. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, have rarely been used due to the small magnetic flux captured by molecular conductors ( an exception is the Kondo effect in single-molecule transistors). This is in contrast to a related field, electronic transport through mesoscopic devices, where considerable activity with magnetic fields has led to a rich description of transport. The scarcity of experimental activity is due to the belief that significant magnetic response is obtained only when the magnetic flux is of the order of the quantum flux, while attaining such a flux for molecular and nanoscale devices requires unrealistic magnetic fields. Here we review recent theoretical work regarding the essential physical requirements necessary for the construction of nanometer-scale magnetoresistance devices based on an Aharonov-Bohm molecular interferometer. We show that control of the conductance properties using small fractions of a magnetic flux can be achieved by carefully adjusting the lifetime of the conducting electrons through a pre-selected single state that is well separated from other states due to quantum confinement effects. Using a simple analytical model and more elaborate atomistic calculations we demonstrate that magnetic fields which give rise to a magnetic flux comparable to 10(-3) of the quantum flux can be used to switch a class of different molecular and nanometer rings, ranging from quantum corrals, carbon nanotubes and even a molecular ring composed of polyconjugated aromatic materials. The unique characteristics of the magnetic field as a gate is further discussed and demonstrated in two different directions. First, a three-terminal molecular router devices that can function as a parallel logic gate, processing two logic operations simultaneously, is presented. Second, the role of inelastic effects arising from electron-phonon couplings on the magnetoresistance properties is analyzed. We show that a remarkable difference between electric and magnetic gating is also revealed when inelastic effects become significant. The inelastic broadening of response curves to electric gates is replaced by a narrowing of magnetoconductance peaks, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the device.
hod2006.pdf Granot, R. S. ; Baer, R. A spline for your saddle.
J. Chem. Phys. 2008,
128, 184111–9.
AbstractPinpointing extrema on a multidimensional hypersurface is an important generic problem with a broad scope of application in statistical mechanics, biophysics, chemical reaction dynamics, and quantum chemistry. Local minima of the hypersurface correspond to metastable structures and are usually the most important points to look for. They are relatively easy to find using standard minimizing algorithms. A considerably more difficult task is the location of saddle points. The saddle points most sought for are those which form the lowest barriers between given minima and are usually required for determining rates of rare events. We formulate a path functional minimum principle for the saddle point. We then develop a cubic spline method for applying this principle and locating the saddle point(s) separating two local minima on a potential hypersurface. A quasi-Newton algorithm is used for minimization. The algorithm does not involve second derivatives of the hypersurface and the number of potential gradients evaluated is usually less than 10% of the number of potential evaluations. We demonstrate the performance of the method on several standard examples and on a concerted exchange mechanism for self-diffusion in diamond. Finally, we show that the method may be used for solving large constrained minimization problems which are relevant for self-consistent field iterations in large systems.
granot2008.pdf Granot, R. S. ; Baer, R. A tight-binding potential for helium in carbon systems.
J. Chem. Phys. 2008,
129, 214102.
AbstractThe presence of helium in carbon systems, such as diamonds and fullerenes is of interest for planetary sciences, geophysics, astrophysics, and evolution biology. Such systems typically involve a large number of atoms and require a fast method for assessing the interaction potential and forces. We developed a tight-binding approach, based on density functional calculations, which includes a many-body potential term. This latter term is essential for consolidating the density functional results of helium in bulky diamond and Helium passing through a benzene ring which is important for helium-fullerene applications. The method is simple to apply and exhibits good transferability properties.
Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Theory of resonance energy transfer involving nanocrystals: The role of high multipoles.
J. Chem. Phys. 2008,
128, 184710.
AbstractA theory for the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a pair of semiconducting nanocrystal quantum dots is developed. Two types of donor-acceptor couplings for the FRET rate are described: dipole-dipole (d-d) and the dipole-quadrupole (d-q) couplings. The theory builds on a simple effective mass model that is used to relate the FRET rate to measureable quantities such as the nanocrystal size, fundamental gap, effective mass, exciton radius, and optical permittivity. We discuss the relative contribution to the FRET rate of the different multipole terms, the role of strong to weak confinement limits, and the effects of nanocrystal sizes. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
baer2008a.pdf Baer, R. On the mapping of time-dependent densities onto potentials in quantum mechanics.
J. Chem. Phys. 2008,
128, 044103.
AbstractThe mapping of time-dependent densities on potentials in systems of identical quantum mechanical particles is examined. This mapping is of significance ever since Runge and Gross [Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 997 (1984)] established its uniqueness, forming the theoretical basis for time-dependent density functional theory. Beyond uniqueness there are two important issues: existence, often called v-representability, and stability. We show that v-representability for localized densities in turn-on situations is not assured and we give a simple example of nonexistence. As for stability, we discuss an inversion procedure and by computing its Lyapunov exponents we demonstrate that the mapping is unstable with respect to fluctuations in the initial state. We argue that such instabilities will plague any inversion procedure.