1 R. Kosloff , R. D. Levine and R. B. Bernstein,
Thermodynamic functions of Molecular Hydrogen from ab Initio Energy Levels,
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2 R. D. Levine and R. Kosloff,
The Well-Reasoned Choice: An Information-Theoretic Approach to Branching
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- 3 R. Kosloff R. D. Levine and O. Kafri,
- Radiationless Transition as an Entropy Sink,Proceedings Radiationless Transitions Conference (1974).
- 4 U. Dinur , R. Kosloff , R. D. Levine and M. J. Berry,
- Analysis of Electronically Nonadiabatic Chemical Reactions : An Information Theoretic Approach,Chem. Phys. Lett., 34, 199-205 (1975). [pdf]
- 5 A. Kafri , E. Pollak , R. Kosloff and R. D. Levine,
- Translational Energy Disposal in Molecular Collisions : The Transfer of Momentum Constraint,Chem. Phys. Lett., 33, 201-206 (1975). [pdf]
- 6 A. Kafri and R. Kosloff,
- V-RT transfer : A Study of two Opposing Dynamical Constraints,Chem. Phys., 23, 257-271 (1977). [pdf]
- 7 R. Kosloff , A. Kafri and R.D. Levine,
- Rotational Excitation of Interstellar OH Molecules,Ap. J., 215,497-502 (1977). [pdf]
- 8 R. Kosloff and S. A. Rice,
- Comment on a Semi-Group Approach Formalism for the Description of Phase and Population Relaxation Processes,
- 9 R. Kosloff and S. A. Rice,
- Quantum Effects in Intramolecular Energy Transfer : The Role of ObservationChem. Phys. Lett., 69,209-211 (1980). [pdf]
- 10 R. Kosloff,
- Thermodynamic Aspects of the Quantum Measurement Process,,
- 11 R. Kosloff and S. A. Rice,
- The Influence of Quantization on the Onset of Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems:The Kolmogorov Entropy Interpretation,J. Chem. Phys., 74, 1340-1349 (1980).[pdf]
- 12 R. Kosloff and S.A. Rice
- Dynamical Correlations and Chaos in Classical Hamiltonian Systems,J. Chem. Phys., 74, 1947-1955 (1981). [pdf]
- 13 R. Kosloff and M. Ratner,
- Intergroup Electron Transfer, Back Electron Transfer, Back Transfer Quenching, and Relaxation Processes,In Forrest L. Carter, editor, Molecular Electronic Devices, pages 31-40, Marcel Dekker, New York, (1982) [pdf]
- 14 R. Kosloff,
- Induced Quantum Stochastic Processes: A Solvable Example of a Quantum System Strongly Coupled With a Reservoir,Physica, 110A, 346-360 (1982). [pdf]
- 15 R. Kosloff and K. Freed,
- Green's function semiclassical quantization of non-closed quasiperiodic classical trajectories,Chem. Phys. Lett., 84, 630-635 (1981). [pdf]
- 16 S. Rice and R. Kosloff,
- Is Dynamical Chaos the Same Phenomena in Classical and Quantum Mechanical Hamiltonian System?J. Phys. Chem., 86,2153-2158 (1982). [pdf]
- 17 R. Kosloff and M. A. Ratner,
- Dynamics of Molecules Using Semigroup Techniques: Vibrational Line Shapes in Exciton Models of Mixed Valency.,J. Chem. Phys., 77, 2841-2846 (1982). [pdf]
- 18 R. Kosloff,
- Comparison Between Classical and Quantum Dynamical Chaos,In J. Jortner, and B. Pullman, editor, Intramolecular Dynamics, Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, volume 15, pages 107-113, Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, (1982).[pdf]
- 19 D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff,
- A Fourier Method Solution for the Time Dependent Schrödinger equation as a Tool in Molecular Dynamics,J. Comp. Phys., 52, 35-53 (1983).[pdf]
- 20 R. Kosloff and D. Kosloff,
- A Fourier Method Solution for the Time Dependent Schr:odinger Equation: A Study of the Reaction H++H2, D++D2 and D++ H2 ,J. Chem. Phys., 79, 1823-1833 (1983).[pdf]
- 21 A. T. Yinnon and R. Kosloff,
- A Quantum Mechanical Time Dependent Simulation of the Scattering From a Stepped Surface,Chem. Phys. Lett., 102, 216-223 (1983).[pdf]
- 22 D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff,
- A Non Periodic Fourier Method for Solution of the Classical Wave Equation.,Comp. Phys. Comm., 30, 333-336 (1983).
- 23 R. Kosloff and M. Ratner,
- Beyond Linear Response: Lineshapes for Coupled Spins or Oscillators via Direct Calculation of Dissipated Power.,J. Chem. Phys., 80, 2352-2362 (1984). [pdf]
- 24 R. Kosloff,
- A Quantum Mechanical Open System as a Model of a Heat Engine.,J. Chem. Phys., 80, 1625-1631 (1984). [pdf]
- 25 C. Cerjan D. Kosloff R. Kosloff and M. Reshef,
- A Non Reflecting Boundary Condition for Discrete Acoustic and Elastic Wave Calculations.,Geophysics, 50,705-708 (1985), [pdf]
- 26 R. B. Gerber, A. T. Yinnon and R. Kosloff,
- Effects of Isolated Impurities on Atom Scattering from Crystalline Surfaces: Exact Quantum Mechanical Calculations.Chem. Phys. Lett., 105, 523-526 (1984). [pdf]
- 27 R. B. Gerber, A. T. Yinnon and R. Kosloff,
- Time-Dependent Wavepacket Calculations of Atom Scattering Surfaces With Impurities.Chem. Phys. 87,441-449 (1984). [pdf]
- 28 H. Tal Ezer and R. Kosloff,
- An Accurate and Efficient Scheme for Propagating the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation,J. Chem. Phys., 81, 3967-3970 (1984). [pdf]
- 29 A. Lorincz, D. Smith, F. Novak, R. Kosloff, D. Tannor, and S. A. Rice.,
- Rotational State Dependence of Pyrazine Fluorescence: Initial Decay for Vibrationless 1B3u State,J. Chem. Phys., 82, 1067-1072 (1985). [pdf]
- 30 F. Novak, R. Kosloff, D. J. Tannor, A. Lorincz, D. D. Smith and S. A. Rice.,
- Wave Packet Evolution in Isolated Pyrazine Molecules: Coherence Triumphs over Chaos,
- 31 R. Bisseling and R. Kosloff,
- The Fast Hankel Transform as a Tool in the Solution of the Time Dependent Schr:odinger Equation,J. Comp. Phys., 59, 136-151 (1985). [pdf]
- 32 R. Kosloff and C. Cerjan,
- Dynamical Atom/Surface Effects: Quantum Mechanical Scattering and Desorption,J. Chem. Phys., 81, 3722-3729 (1984). [pdf]
- 33 A. T. Yinnon, R. Kosloff and R. B. Gerber,
- Atom Scattering From Disordered Surfaces: Calculations for a Model of a Xe + Ar Overlayer,Surf. Sci., 148, 148-152 (1984). [pdf]
- 34 D. Avnir, M. L. Kagan, R. Kosloff and S. Peleg,
- Spatial Structures Formed by Chemical Reactions at Liquid Interfaces: Phenomenology, Model Simulations, and Pattern Analysis,
- In C. Vidal and A. Pacault, editor, Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Chemical Systems., pages 118-121, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1984).
- 35 R. H. Bisseling, R. Kosloff and J. Manz,
- Dynamics of Hyperspherical and Local Mode Decay Studied by Time Dependent Wave Packet Propagation,J. Chem. Phys., 83, 993-1004 (1985). [pdf]
- 36 R. H. Bisseling, R. Kosloff, J. Manz and H. H. R. Schor,
- Mode Specific Resonance Decay,Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 89, 270-274 (1985) [pdf]
- 37 I. Benjamin, R. H. Bisseling, R. Kosloff, R. D. Levine, J. Manz and H. H. R. Schor,
- Quasi-Bond States of Coupled Morse Oscillators,Chem. Phys. Lett., 116, 255-261 (1985). [pdf]
- 38 R. Kosloff and D. Kosloff,
- Absorbing Boundaries for Wave Propagation Problems,J. Comp. Phys., 63, 363-376 (1986). [pdf]
- 39 I. Schechter, R. Kosloff and R. D. Levine,
- Vibrational Enhancement of the Reaction Rate and Steric Requirements in the H + D2(v) and D +H2 (v) Reactions,Chem. Phys. Lett., 121, 297-300 (1985) [pdf]
- 40 R. H. Bisseling, R. Kosloff and D. Kosloff,
- Multidimensional Interpolation and Differentiation Based on an Accelerated Sinc Interpolation Procedure,Comp. Phys. Comm., 39, 313-332 (1986) [pdf]
- 41 I. Schechter, R. Kosloff and R. D. Levine,
- Insertion vs. Abstraction in the H+H2 --> H2+H Exchange Reaction,J. Phys. Chem., 90, 1006-1008 (1986) [pdf]
- 42 R. Kosloff and H. Tal-Ezer,
- A Direct Relaxation Method for Calculating Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Equation On a Grid.,Chem. Phys. Lett., 127, 223-230 (1986). [pdf]
- 43 Charly Cerjan and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Atom-Phonon Interaction Studied Using a Consistent Quantum Treatment,Phys. Rev. B, 34, 3832-3840 (1986). [psf].
- 44 Robert B. Gerber, Ronnie Kosloff and Michael Berman,
- Time-Dependent Wavepacket Calculations of Molecular Scattering from Surfaces,Comp. Phys. Rep., 5, 59-114 (1986). [pdf]
- 45 Rob H. Bisseling, Ronnie Kosloff, J. Manz, F. Mrugala, J. Romelt, and G. Weichselbaumer,
- Lifetimes of Local and Hyperspherical Vibrational Resonances of ABA Molecules,
- 46 David J. Tannor, Ronnie Kosloff and Stuart Rice,
- Coherent pulse sequence induced control of selectivity of reactions: Exact quantum mechanical calculations,J. Chem. Phys., 85, 5805-5820 (1986). [pdf]
- 47 N. Agmon and R. Kosloff,
- Dynamics of Two Dimensional Diffusional Barrier Crossing,J. Phys. Chem., 91, 1988-1996 (1987) [pdf]
- 48 S. A. Rice, D. J. Tannor and R. Kosloff,
- Coherent Pulse Sequence Induced Control of Selectivity of Reactions,Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 82, 2423-2444 (1986). [psf]
- 49 Charly Cerjan and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Non Perturbative Treatment of Particle Dynamics in a Semi-Classical Photon Field,J. Phys. B, 20, 4441-4452 (1987). [pdf]
- 50 Rob H. Bisseling and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Optimal Choice of Grid Points in Multidimensional Pseudospectral Fourier Methods,J. Comp. Phys., 76, 243-262 (1988). [pdf]
- 51 Ronnie Kosloff, Audrey Dell Hammerich and Mark A. Ratner,
- Time Dependent Quantum Mechanical Calculation of The Dissociation Dynamics of the Cluster Hen - I2,In J. Jortner, A. Pullman and B. Pullman, editor, Large Finite Systems, Jerusalem Symposium, volume 20, pages 53-65, Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, (1987).[pdf]
- 52 Rob H. Bisseling, Ronnie Kosloff, Robert B. Gerber, Mark A. Ratner, L. Gibson and C. Cerjan,
- Exact Time Dependent Quantum Mechanical Dissociation Dynamics of I2He: Comparison of Exact Time Dependent Quantum Calculations with the Quantum Time Dependent Self Consistent Field (TDSCF) Approximation,J. Chem. Phys., 87, 2760-2765 (1987) [pdf]
- 53 Robert H. Bisseling, P. L. Gertitsche, Ronnie Kosloff and Jurn Manz,
- Bi and Unimolecular Resonances of the Collinear Reaction: F + DBr <-> FDBr <-> FD + Br,J. Chem. Phys., 88, 6191-6199 (1988). [pdf]
- 54 Tamar Yinnon, Ronnie Kosloff, Robert B. Gerber, Ben Poelsma, and George Comsa,
- Cross Section for He Scattering from Surface Imperfections: Vacancies and CO Adsorbates on Pt(111),
- 55 Tamar Yinnon, Ronnie Kosloff, and Robert B. Gerber,
- Atom Scattering from Isolated Adsorbates on Surfaces: Rainbows, Diffraction, Interferences, and Trapping Resonances,J. Chem. Phys., 88, 7209-7220 (1988) [pdf]
- 56 Ronnie Kosloff,
- Time Dependent Methods in Molecular Dynamics,J. Phys. Chem., 92, 2087-2100 (1988). [pdf]
- 57 Micha Asscher, Oren M. Becker, Gadi Haase and Ronnie Kosloff,
- A Quantum Mechanical Mechanism for the Dissociative Chemisorption of N2 on Metal Surfaces,Surf. Sci., 206, L880-L887 (1988). [k57]
- 58 Juse M. Carcione, Dan Kosloff, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Viscoacoustic Wave Propagation Simulation in the Earth,Geophysics, 53, 769-777 (1988). [pdf]
- 59 Juse M. Carcione, Dan Kosloff, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Wave Propagation Simulation in an Elastic Anisotropic ( Transversely Isotropic )Solid., Quat. Jour. Mech. Appl. Math., 41,320-345 (1988). [pdf]
- 60 Juse M. Carcione, Dan Kosloff, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Wave Propagation Simulation in a Linear Viscoacoustic Medium,The Geophysical J., 93, 393-407 (1988). [pdf]
- 61 Juse M. Carcione, Dan Kosloff, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Wave Propagation Simulations in a Viscoelastic Medium,
- 62 Zvi Kottler, Abraham Nitzan and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Self-Consistent Field Approximation for Curve Crossing in Presence of a Bath. A Fast Fourier Transform Study,,Chem. Phys. Lett., 153, 483-489 (1988). [pdf]
- 63 Gadi Haase, Micha Asscher and Ronnie Kosloff,
- The Dissociative Chemisorption Dynamics of N2 on Catalytic Metal Surfaces: A Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Mechanism,J. Chem. Phys., 90, 3346-3355 (1989) [pdf]
- 64 Michael L. Kagan, Ronnie Kosloff, Ofra Citri and David Avnir,
- Chemical Formation of Spatial Patterns Induced by Nonlinearity In a Concentration-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient,J. Phys. Chem., 93, 2728-2731 (1989). [pdf]
- 65 Ronnie Kosloff and Charly Cerjan,
- Inelastic He Scattering from a Xenon Overlayer: Dynamical Diffraction Effects,
- 66 Bernt Hartke, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman,
- Large amplitude Ground State Vibrational Coherence Induced by Impulsive Absorption in CsI: A computer Simulation,Chem. Phys. Lett., 158, 238-244 (1989). [pdf]
- 67 Ronnie Kosloff, Stuart A. Rice, Pier Gaspard, Sam Tersigni and David Tannor,
- Wavepacket Dancing: Achieving Chemical Selectivity by Shaping Light Pulses,Chem. Phys., 139, 201-220 (1989). [pdf]
- 68 Audrey D. Hammerich, J. G. Muga and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Time-Dependent Quantum-Mechanical Approach to the Continuous Spectrum: Scattering Resonances in a Finite Box,Israel J. Chem., 29, 461-471 (1989). [pdf]
- 69 Ronnie Kosloff and Mark Ratner,
- Superexchange-Assisted Through-Bridge Electron Transfer: Electronic and Dynamical Aspects,Israel J. Chem., 30, 45-58 (1990) [pdf]
- 70 Michael Berman and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Time Dependent Solution of the Liouville Von Neumann Equation: Non-Dissipative Evolution,Comp. Phys. Comm., 63, 1-20 (1991). [pdf]
- 71 Claude Leforestier, Rob Bisseling, Charly Cerjan, Michael Feit, Rich Friesner, A. Guldberg, Audrey Dell Hammerich, G. Julicard, W. Karrlein, Hans Dieter Meyer, Nurit Lipkin, O. Roncero and Ronnie Kosloff,
- A comparison of different propagation schemes for the time dependent Schr:odinger equation,J. Comp. Phys., 94, 59-80 (1991). [pdf]
- 72 Ofra Citri, Michael L. Kagan, Ronnie Kosloff and David Avnir,
- Evolution of Chemically Induced Unstable Density Gradients Near Horizontal Reactive Interfaces,
- 73 S. Ruhman and R. Kosloff,
- Application of Chirped Ultrafast Pulses for Generating Large-Amplitude Ground-State Vibrational Coherence: a Computer Simulation,
- 74 Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- A Theoretical Study of Electron Hole Pair Formation due to the Collision of an Atom with a Solid Surface,J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6890-6898 (1990). [pdf]
- 75 Audrey Dell Hammerich, Ronnie Kosloff and Mark A. Ratner,
- Quantum mechanical reactive scattering by a multiconfiguration time-dependent self-consistent field (MCTDSCF) approach,Chem. Phys. Lett., 171,97-108 (1990). [pdf]
- 76 Micha Asscher, Gadi Haase Ronnie Kosloff,
- Tunneling mechanism for the dissociative chemisorption of N2 on metal surfaces,Vacuum, 41,269-271 (1990) [pdf]
- 77 Roger Alimi, Robert B. Gerber, Aurey Dell Hammerich, Ronnie Kosloff and M. Ratner,
- Validity of time-dependent self-consistent-field (TDSCF) approximation for unimolecular dynamics: A test for photodissociation of the Xe-HI cluster,
- 78 Nir Ben-Tal, Nimrod Moiseyev, Claude Leforestier, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Positions, Lifetimes and Partial-Widths of Metastable Quasi-Energy States by Solving the Time-Dependent Complex-Scaled Schrödinger Equation,J. Chem. Phys., 94, 7311-7318 (1991). [pdf]
- 79 Hillel Tal Ezer, Ronnie Kosloff, and Charly Cerjan,
- Low Order Polynomial Approximation of Propagators for the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation,J. Comp. Phys., 100,179-187 (1992). [pdf]
- 80 Michael Berman, Ronnie Kosloff and Hillel Tal-Ezer,
- Solution of the time dependent Liouville von Neumann Equation Dissipative evolution,J. Phys. A, 25,1283-1307 (1992). [pdf].
- 81 Eyal Por, Gadi Haase, Ofra Citri, Ronnie Kosloff and Micha Asscher,
- Effect of Molecular Energy Content on the Dissociative Chemisorption N2 on Re(0001),Chem. Phys. Lett., 188,553-560 (1991). [pdf]
- 82 Ronnie Kosloff and Roi Baer,
- Impulsive Iterative Inversion,In J. Jortner, R. Levine and B. Pullman, editor, Mode Selective Chemistry, Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, volume 24, pages 347-357, Kluwer Academic, (1991). [pdf]
- 83 Leonora Reinhold, Ronnie Kosloff and Aaron Kaplan,
- A Model for Inorganic Carbon Fluxes and Photosynthesis in Cyanobacterial Carboxysomes,Can. J. Physiology, 69,984-988 (1991). [pdf]
- 84 Ronnie Kosloff and Audrey D. Hammerich,
- Nonadiabatic Reactive Routes and the Applicability of Multi Configuration Time Dependent Self Consistent Field Approximations,Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 91, 239-247 (1991). [pdf] .
- 85 Eitan Geva and Ronnie Kosloff,
- A Quantum Mechanical Heat Engine Operating in Finite Time. A Model Consisting of Spin half Systems as The Working Fluid,J. Chem. Phys., 96, 3054-3067 (1992). [pdf].
- 86 Ronnie Kosloff and Yehuda Zeiri,
- A Theoretical Study of Hydrogen Diffraction Following Photodissociation of Adsorbed Molecules,J. Chem. Phys., 97,1719-1733 (1992). [pdf]
- 87 Eitan Geva and Ronnie Kosloff,
- On the Classical Limit of Quantum Thermodynamics in Finite Time,J. Chem. Phys., 97,4398-4412 (1992). [pdf]
- 88 Audrey Hammerich, Ronnie Kosloff, and Mark Ratner,
- Chemistry in strong laser fields. An example from methyl iodide photodissociation,J. Chem. Phys., 97,6410 (1992). [pdf]
- 89 Ronnie Kosloff, Audrey Dell Hammerich, and David Tannor,
- Excitation without demolition: Radiative excitation of ground-state vibration by impulsive stimulated Raman scattering with damage control,Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 2172-2175 (1992). [pdf]
- 90 Roi Baer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Obtaining the Excited State Potential by Inversion of Photodissociation Absorption Spectra,Chem. Phys. Lett., 200,183-191 (1992). [pdf]
- 91 R. Kosloff,
- Pseudo-spectral Methods for Solving the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation,In J. Broeckhove and L. Lathouwers, editor, Time Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics, volume NATO ASI Ser. B 299, pages 97-116, Plenum Press, (1992). [pdf]
- 92 Charly Cerjan and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Efficient Variable Time-stepping Scheme for Intense Field-Atom Interactions,Phys. Rev. A, 47, 1852-1860 (1993). [pdf]
- 93 Nir Ben-Tal, Nimrod Moiseyev, Ronnie Kosloff and Charles Cerjan,
- Harmonic Generation in Ionizing Systems by the Time Dependent Complex Coordinate Floquet Method,J. Phys. B, 26, 1445-1461 (1993). [pdf]
- 94 Allon Bartana, Ronnie Kosloff and David J. Tannor,
- Laser Cooling of Molecular Internal Degrees of Freedom by a Series of Shaped Pulses,J. Chem. Phys., 99, 196-210 (1993). [pdf]
- 95 Nir Ben-Tal, Nimrod Moiseyev and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Multiphoton dissociation or ionization II: Creation of discrete quasi-energy states in strong electromagnetic fields,J. Chem. Phys., 98, 9610-9617 (1993). [pdf]
- 96 Nir Ben-Tal Nimrod Moiseyev, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Harmonic Generation in Ionizing Systems by the Complex Scaled Adiabatic Switch Method,Phys. Rev. A, 48, 2437-2442 (1993). [pdf]
- 97 Victoria J. Barkely, Jhon C. Polanyi, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Dynamics of Surface-aligned Photochemistry. III. A quantum mechanical study of the photodissociation of HBr(ad)/LiF(001),J. Chem. Phys., 98,9185-9198 (1993). [pdf]
- 98 R. Kosloff,
- The Fourier Method,In C. Cerjan, editor, Numerical Grid Methods and Their Application to Schrodinger's Equation, volume NATO ASI Ser. C 412, pages 175-194, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, (1993).[pdf]
- 99 Ronnie Kosloff and Ofra Citri,
- Non-Adiabatic Transitions on Metal Surfaces as a Mechanism of Dissociation of Adsorbed Molecules,Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 96, 175-187 (1993). [pdf]
- 100 Uri Banin, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman,
- Femtosecond chemical dynamics in solution: Photodissociation of I3-,Israel J. Chem., 33, 141-156 (1993).[pdf]
- 101 R. Kosloff,
- Time Dependent Approach to Femtosecond Laser Chemistry,In Ed. T. Andersen, B. Fastrup, F. Folkmann, H. Knudsen and N. Andersen., editor, AIP Conference Proceedings 295: The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions XVII international conference, pages 152-170, AIP Press, Aarhus, Denmark, (1993). [pdf]
- 102 Eitan Geva and Ronnie Kosloff,
- The Three-level Quantum Amplifier as a Heat Engine: A Study in Finite-time Thermodynamics,Phys. Rev. E, 49, 3903-3918 (1994). [pdf]
- 103 Uri Banin, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman,
- Vibrational relaxation of nascent diiodide ions studied by femtosecond transient resonance impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (TRISRS): experiment and simulation,Chem. Phys., 183, 289-307 (1994). [pdf]
- 104 R. Kosloff,
- Propagation Methods for Quantum Molecular Dynamics,Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 45, 145-178 (1994). [pdf]
- 105 Uri Peskin, Ronnie Kosloff, and Nimrod Moiseyev,
- The solution of the time dependent Schrödinger equation by the (t,t') method: The use of global polynomial Propagators for time dependent Hamiltonians,J. Chem. Phys., 100, 8849-8855 (1994). [pdf]
- 106 Audrey Dell Hammerich, Uwe Manthe, Ronnie Kosloff, Hans-Dieter Meyer, and Lorenz S. Cederbaum,
- Time-dependent photodissociation of methyl iodide with five active modes,J. Chem. Phys., 101,5623-5646 (1994). [pdf]
- 107 Roi Baer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Inversion of Ultrafast Pump Probe Spectroscopic Data,J. Phys. Chem., 99,2534-2545 (1995). [pdf]
- 108 Uri Banin, Allon Bartana, Sanford Ruhman and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Impulsive excitation of coherent vibrational motion ground surface dynamics induced by intense short pulses,J. Chem. Phys., 101, 8461-8481 (1994). [pdf]
- 109 Tamás Szakás, Bjarne Amstrup, Peter Gross, Ronnie Kosloff, Hershel Rabitz and András Lórincz,
- Stretching and locking a molecular bond: A case study of CsI,Phys. Rev. A, 50, 2540-2547 (1994). [pdf]
- 110 Allon Bartana, Uri Banin, Sanford Ruhman and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Intensity effects on impulsive excitation of ground surface coherent vibrational motion: A "V" jump simulation,Chem. Phys. Lett., 229, 211-217 (1994). [pdf]
- 111 M. Hintenender, F. Rebentrost, R. B. Gerber and R. Kosloff,
- Molecular dynamics of the photodissociation of adsorbed HCl on a MgO (001) surface,J. Chem. Phys., 102, 578 (1995). [pdf]
- 112 Peter Saalfrank, Roi Baer, Ronnie Kosloff,
- Density Matrix Description of Laser-Induced Hot Electron Mediated Photodesorption of NO from Pt(111),Chem. Phys. Lett., 230, 463-472 (1994). [pdf]
- 113 Yehuda Zeiri, Eyal Fattal and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Application of Genetic Algorithm to the Calculation of Bound States and Local Density Approximations,J. Chem. Phys., 102, 1859-1862 (1995). [pdf]
- 114 Eitan Geva, Ronnie Kosloff, and J.L. Skinner,
- On the relaxation of a two-level system driven by a strong electromagnetic field,
- 115 Gil Katz, Roi Baer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- A New Method for Numerical Flux Calculations in Quantum Molecular Dynamics,Chem. Phys. Lett., 239,230-236 (1995). [pdf]
- 116 Tova Feldmann, Eitan Geva, Ronnie Kosloff and Peter Salamon,
- Heat Engines in Finite Time Governed by Master Equations,Am. J. Phys., 64, 485-492 (1996). [pdf]
- 117 Gil Katz, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Temperature dependence of nitrogen dissociation on metal surfaces,J. Chem. Phys., 103,9475-9481 (1995). [pdf]
- 118 Guy Ashkenazi, Ronnie Kosloff, Sanford Ruhman and Hillel Tal-Ezer,
- Newtonian propagation methods applied to the photodissociation dynamics of I3-,J. Chem. Phys., 103, 10005 (1995) [pdf]
- 119 Eyal Fattal, Roi Baer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Phase Space Approach for Optimizing Grid Representation: The Mapped Fourier Method,Phys. Rev. E, 53, 1217 (1996). [pdf]
- 120 Ofra Citri, Roi Baer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- The Role of non adiabatic mechanisms in the Dissociation Dynamics of O2 on Silver surfaces,Surf. Sci., 351, 24-42 (1996) [pdf]
- 121 Hui Tang, Ronnie Kosloff and Stuart A. Rice,
- A generalized approach to the control of the evolution of a molecular system,J. Chem. Phys., 104, 5457(1996). [pdf]
- 122 Eitan Geva and Ronnie Kosloff,
- The Quantum Heat Engine and Heat Pump: An Irreversible Thermodynamic Analysis of The Three-Level Amplifier,J. Chem. Phys., 104, 7681-7698 (1996). [pdf]
- 123 Peter Saalfrank and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum Dynamics of Bond Breaking in a Dissipative Environment: Indirectly and Directly Induced Photodesorption of Neutrals from Metals,J. Chem. Phys., 105, 2441 (1996). [pdf]
- 124 Roi Baer, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- The influence of dimensionality on deep tunneling rates: A study based on the Hydrogen-Nickel system,Phys. Rev. B, 54, R5287-90 (1996). [pdf]
- 125 Roi Baer, David M. Charutz, Ronnie Kosloff, and Michael Baer,
- A study of conical intersection effects on scattering processes. The validity of adiabatic single-surface approximations within an extended Jahn-Teller model,J. Chem. Phys., 105, 9141-52 (1996). [pdf]
- 126 Ronnie Kosloff,Quantum Molecular Dynamics on Grids,
- Dynamics of Molecules and Chemical Reactions, In R. E. Wyatt and J. Z. Zhang, editors, Dynamics of Molecules and Chemical Reactions, pages 185-230, Marcel Dekker, New York (1996). [pdf][gzipped.PS]
- 127 Guy Ashkenazi, Uri Banin, Allon Bartana, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman,
- Quantum Description of the Impulsive Photodissociation Dynamics of I3- in Solution,Adv. Chem. Phys., 100, 229-315 (1997). [pdf]
- 128 M. Hintenender, F. Robentrost, R. Kosloff, and R.B. Gerber,
- Mixed quantum/classical simulation of the photolysis of HC1 on MgO(001),J. Chem. Phys., 105, 11347-56 (1996). [pdf]
- 129 A. Y. Rom, S. Fishman, R. Kosloff and T. Maniv,
- Dynamics of a charged particle in a magnetic-flux latice,Phys. Rev. B, 54, 9819 (1996). [pdf]
- 130 A. Mosyak, A. Nitzan and R. Kosloff.
- Numerical simulations of electron tunneling in water,J. Chem. Phys.104, 1549 (1996). [pdf]
- 131 Allon Bartana, Ronnie Kosloff and David J. Tannor,
- Laser Cooling of Internal Degrees of Freedom. II,
- 132 Ronnie Kosloff, Mark A. Ratner and William B. Davis,
- Dynamics and relaxation in interacting systems: Semigroup methods,
- 133 Roi Baer, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Hydrogen Transport in Nickel (111),
- 134 L. Romm, G. Katz, R. Kosloff and M. Asscher,
- Dissociative Chemisorption of N2 on Ru(001) Enhanced by Vibrational and Kinetic Energy: Molecular Beam Experiments and Quantum Mechanical Calculations,
J. Phys. Chem., B 101, 2213 (1997). [pdf] - 135 Roi Baer, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum dissipative dynamics of adsorbates near metal surfaces: A surrogate Hamiltonian theory applied to hydrogen on nickel,
- 136 D. J. Tannor, R. Kosloff and A Bartana,
- Laser Heating, Colling and Transparency of Internal Degrees of Freedom of Molecules,Adv. Chem. Phys 101, 301 (1997).[pdf]
- 137 Olivier Dulieu, Ronnie Kosloff, Francoise Masnou-Seeuws and Goran Pichler,
- Quasi-Bound States in Long-Range Alkali Dimers: Grid Method Calculations,
- 138 Roi Baer, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum diffusion of Hydrogen and Deuterium on Nickel (110),Surf. Sci. Lett., 411, L783 (1998) [pdf]
- 139 T. Kluner H. J. Freund, V. Staemler and R. Kosloff,
- Theoretical investigation of laser induced desorption of small molecules from oxide surfaces: A first principle study,Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 5208 (1998). [pdf]
- 140 R. M. Lynden-Bell, R. Kosloff, S. Ruhman, D. Danovich and J. Vala,
- Does solvation cause symmetry breaking in the I3- ion in aqueous solution,
- 141 Gil Katz, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Non Adiabatic Charge Transfer Process of Oxygen on Metal Surfaces,
- 142 William B. Davis, Michael R. Wasielewski, Ronnie Kosloff, and Mark A.Ratner,
- Semigroup Representations, Site Couplings, and Relaxation in Quantum Systems,
- 143 Yehuda Zeiri, Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff, Maria S. Topaler, Donald G. Truhlar and John C. Polanyi,
- Quantum mechanism in the photodissociation of NaFH complex: A Challenge to Semiclassical Analysis,
- 144 Wilhelm Huisinga, Lorenzo Pesce, Ronnie Kosloff, and Peter Saalfrank,
- Faber and Newton polynomial integrators for open-system density matrix propagation,
- 145 V. Kokoouline , O. Dulieu, R. Kosloff and F. Masnou-Seeuws,
- Mapped Fourier methods for long range molecules : Application to perturbations in the Rb2 0u+ photoassociation spectrum,
- 146 Guy Ashkenazi, Ronnie Kosloff and Mark A Ratner,
- Photoexcited electron transfer: Short-time dynamics and turnover control by dephasing, relaxation, and mixing,
- 147 S. Thiel, T. Kluner, J.-J. Freund and Ronnie Kosloff ,
- Velocity distributions after laser-induced desorption of NO from NiO(100) - The role of the angular coordinate,Israel Journal of Chemistry, 38, 321 (1998). [pdf]
- 148 Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff and Yehuda Zeiri ,
- A theoretical study of hole induced desorption,
- 149 Zhaohui Wand, Therry Wasserman, Erez Gershgoren, Jiri Wala, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman,
- Geminate recombination of I3- in cooled liquid and glassy ethanol,
- 150 D. J. Tannor, R. Kosloff, A. Bartana,
- Laser cooling of internal degrees of freedom of molecules by dynamically trapped states,FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, 113, 365 (1999) [pdf]
- 151 A. Sanov, T. Sanford, L. J. Butler, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, W. C. Lineberger,
- Photodissociation dynamics of gas-phase BrICl- and IBr2- anions,
- 152 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Performance of Discrete Heat Engines and Heat Pumps in Finite Time,
- 153 D.Q. Xie, H. Guo, Y. Amatatsu and R. Kosloff,
- Three-dimensional photodissociation dynamics of rotational state selected methyl iodide,J. Phys. Chem., 104, 1009 (2000) [pdf]
- 154 V. Kokoouline, O. Dulieu, R. Kosloff and F. Masnou-Seeuws,
- Theoretical treatment of channel mixing in excited Rb2 and Cs2 ultra-cold molecules: determination of predissociation lifetimes with coordinate mapping,Phys. Rev. A, 62, 2716 (2000) [pdf]
- 155 L. Romm, O. Citri, R. Kosloff and M. Asscher,
- A remarkable heavy isotope effect in the dissociative chemisorption of nitrogen on Ru(001),
- 156 Ronnie Kosloff, Eitan Geva and Jeffrey M. Gordon,
- The quantum refrigerator in quest of the absolute zero,J. Appl. Phys, 87, 8093 (2000) [pdf]
- 157 Ronnie Kosloff, Gil Katz and Yehuda Zeiri
- Dynamics of charge transfer states on metal surfaces: The competition between reactivity and quenching,Faraday Discussions, 117 291 (2000). [pdf]
- 158 G. R. Darling, Y. Zeiri and R. Kosloff
- Charge-transfer reactions in atom scattering from ionic surfaces: A time-dependent wavepacket approach,Faraday Discussions, 117 41(2000). [pdf]
- 159 Lorenzo Pesce, Zohar Amitay, Radoslaw Uberna, Stephen R. Leone, Mark Ratner, Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum dynamics simulation of the ultrafast photoionization of Li2,J. Chem. Phys., 114, 1259 (2001). [pdf]
- 160 J. Vala, O. Dulieu, F. Masnou-Seeuws, P. Pillet, R. Kosloff,
- Coherent Control of Cold-Molecule Formation through Photoassociation using a Chirped Pulsed Laser Field,
- 161 J. Vala, and R. Kosloff,
- Coherent mechanism of robust population inversion,
- 162 V. Kokoouline, J. Vala and R. Kosloff
- Tuning the scattering length on the ground triplet state of Cs2,
- 163 Allon Bartana, Ronnie Kosloff and David J. Tannor
- Laser Cooling of Molecules by Dynamically Trapped States,Chem. Phys., 267, 195 (2001). [pdf]
- 164 D. M. Lockwood, M. Ratner and R. Kosloff
- Energy gap dependence of vibrational dephasing rates: a semigroup description,Chem. Phys., 267, 55 (2001). [pdf]
- 165 Jiri Vala, Ronnie Kosloff, and Jeremy N. Harvey
- Ab initio and DIM potentials for I3-, I2, I2 - and I3,
- 166 M. Vatasescu, O. Dulieu, R. Kosloff and F. Masnou-Seeuws
- Optimal control of photoassociation of cold atoms and photodissociation of long-range molecules: Characteristic times for wave-packet propagation,
- 167 Erez Gershgoren, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and S. Ruhman
- Impulsive Control of Ground Surface Dynamics of I3- in Solution,
- 168 S. Thiel, M. Pykavy, T. Kluner, H-J.Freund, R. Kosloff, V. Staemmler
- Three-dimensional ab initio quantum dynamics of the photodesorption of CO from Cr2O3(0001): Stereodynamic effect,
- 169 José P. Palao, Ronnie Kosloff, and Jeffrey M. Gordon
- Quantum thermodynamic cooling cycle,
- 170 S. Thiel, M. Pykavy, T. Klüner, H.-J. Freund, R. Kosloff, and V. Staemmler
- Rotational alignment in the photodesorption of CO from Cr2O3(0001): A systematic three-dimensional ab initio study,
- 171 J. R. Fair, D. Schaefer, R. Kosloff, D.J. Nesbitt DJ
- Intramolecular energy flow and nonadiabaticity in vibrationally mediated chemistry: Wave packet studies of Cl+H2O,
- 172 Gil Katz, Koichi Yamashita, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff
- The Fourier Method for Tri-atomic Systems in the Search for the Optimal Coordinate System,
- 173 Christiane P. Koch, Thorsten Klüner, and Ronnie Kosloff
- A complete quantum description of an ultrafast pump-probe charge transfer event in condensed phasee,
- 174 F. Dubnikova, R. Kosloff, Y. Zeiri, and Z. Karpas
- Novel Approach to the Detection of Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP): Its Structure and Its Complexes with Ione,J. Phys. Chem. 106, 4951-4956 (2002). [pdf]
- 175 Daren M. Lockwood, Mark A. Ratner, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Effects of anharmonicity and electronic coupling on photoinduced electron transfer in mixed valence compoundsJ. Chem. Phys. 117, 10125-10132 (2002). [pdf]
- 176 Ronnie Kosloff and Tova Feldmann
- A Discrete Four Stroke Quantum Heat Engine Exploring the Origin of Friction,
- 177 Gil Katz, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff
- Three-dimensional quantum time dependent study of the photodissociation dynamics of Na...FH/D,Chem. Phys. Lett. 259 453 (2002). [pdf]
- 178 Zohar Amitay, Ronnie Kosloff and Stephen R. Leone
- Experimental Coherent Computation of a Multiple-Input AND Gate using Shaped Molecular Wave Packets,Chem. Phys. Lett. 359, 8 (2002). [pdf]
- 179 Gil Katz, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum dissipative model for the collision induced ionization of I2 impinging on a diamond surface,Chem. Phys. Lett. 358, 284 (2002).[pdf]
- 180 Ronnie Kosloff and Mark Ratner
- Rate Constant Turnovers: Energy Spacings and Mixings,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 106, 8479 -8483 (2002). [pdf]
- 181 José P. Palao and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum Computing by an Optimal Control Algorithm for Unitary Transformations,Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 188301 (2002). [pdf]
- 182 Jiri Vala, Zohar Amitay, Bo Zhang, Stephen R. Leone, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Experimental implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for three-qubit functions using pure coherent molecular superpositions,Phys. Rev. A 66, 062316 (2002). [pdf]
- 183 Erez Gershgoren, Zhaohui Wang, Sanford Ruhman, Jiri Vala, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Investigating pure vibrational dephasing of I3- in solution: Temperature dependence of T2 for the fundamental and first harmonic of v1,J. Chem. Phys 118, 3660 (2003). [pdf]
- 184 G. R. Darling, R. Kosloff and Y. Zeiri
- Time-dependent quantum calculations of negative ion formation in scattering of atoms from alkali-halide surfaces,Surface Science 528, 84 (2003). [pdf]
- 185 Solvejg Jørgensen and Ronnie Kosloff
- Two-pulse atomic coherent control,Surface Science 528, 156 (2003). [pdf]
- 186 Christiane P. Koch, Thorsten Klüner, Hans-Joachim Freund, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Femtosecond Photodesorption of Small Molecules from Surfaces: A Theoretical Investigation from First Principles,Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 117601 (2003). [pdf]
- 187 Daniel Neuhauser, Roi Baer, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum soliton dynamics in vibrational chains (Toda lattice): Comparison of fully correlated, TDSCF, and classical dynamics,J. Chem. Phys.. 118, 5729 (2003). [pdf]
- 188 Solvejg Jorgensen and Ronnie Kosloff
- Two-Pulse Atomic Coherent Control (2PACC) Spectroscopy of Eley-Rideal Reactions. An Application of an Atom Laser,J. Chem. Phys.. 119, 149 (2003). [pdf]
- 189 Christiane P. Koch, Thorsten Kluner, Hans-Joachim Freund and Ronnie Kosloff
- Ab initio treatment of electronic relaxation in the femtosecond laser induced desorption of NO/NiO(100),J. Chem. Phys.. 119, 1750-1765 (2003). [pdf]
- 190 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- The Quantum Four Stroke Heat Engine: Thermodynamic Observables in a Model with Intrinsic Friction,Phys. Rev. E, 68 016101 (2003). [pdf]
- 191 Marcello Binetti, Olaf Weisse, Eckart Hasselbrink, Gil Katz, Ronnie kosloff, Yehuda Zeiri
- The role of nonadiabatic pathways and molecular rotations in the oxygen abstraction reaction on the Al(111) surface,Chem. Phys. Lett. 373, 266 (2003). [pdf]
- 192 David Gelman and Ronnie Kosloff
- Simulating dissipative phenomena with a random phase thermal wavefunctions, high temperature application of the Surrogate Hamiltonian approach,Chem. Phys. Lett. 381, 129 (2003). [pdf]
- 193 José P. Palao and Ronnie Kosloff
- Optimal control theory for unitary transformations,
- 194 Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff, and Yehuda Zeiri
- Abstractive dissociation of oxygen over Al(111): A nonadiabatic quantum model,J. Chem. Phys. 120, 3931-3948 (2004). [pdf]
- 195 Guy Askenazi and Ronnie Kosloff
- String, ring, sphere: Visualizing wavefunctions on different topologies,Computing in Science & Engeneering 6, 82-86 (2004). [pdf]
- 196 Christiane P. Koch, José P. Palao, Ronnie Kosloff and Francoise Masnou-Seeuws
- Stabilization of Ultracold Molecules Using Optimal Control Theory,Phys. Rev. A 70, 013402 (2004). [pdf]
- 197 David Gelman, Christiane P. Koch, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Dissipative quantum dynamics with the surrogate Hamiltonian approach. A comparison between spin and harmonic baths,J. Chem. Phys., 121, 661 (2004). [pdf]
- 198 Solvejg Jorgensen and Ronnie Kosloff
- A Pulse Shaping Algorithm of a Coherent Matter Wave Controlling Reaction Dynamics,Phys. Rev. A, 70, 015602 (2004). [pdf]
- 199 E. Luc-Koenig, R. Kosloff, F. Masnou-Seeuws, M. Vatasescu
- Photoassociation of cold atoms with chirped laser pulses: Time-dependent calculations and analysis of the adiabatic transfer within a two-state model,Phys. Rev. A, 70, 033414 (2004). [pdf]
- 200 Solvejg Jorgensen, Faina Dubnikova, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff, Yigal Lilach and Micha Asscher
- Theoretical modeling of steric effect in electron induced desorption: CH3Br/O/Ru(001),
J. Chem. Phys. B, 108, 14056 (2004). [pdf]
- 201 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- Characteristics of the limit cycle of a reciprocating quantum heat engine,Phys. Rev. E, 70, 046110 (2004). [pdf]
- 202 Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff and Mark Ratner
- Conical Intersections: Relaxation, Dephasing and Dynamics in a Simple Model,Isr. J. Chem. 41 53 (2004). [pdf]
- 203 A. Bertelsen, S. Vogelius, S. Jørgensen, R. Kosloff and M. Drewsen
- Photo-dissociation of Cold MgH+ ions Towards rotational temperature measurements and controlled dissociation,
Euro. Phys. J. D 31, 403 - 408 (2004). [pdf]
- 204 Faina Dobnikova, Ronnie Kosloff, Joseph Almog, Yehuda Zeiri, Roland Boese, Harel Izhaky, Aaron Alt and Ehud Keinan
- Decomposition of TATP is an entropic explosion,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 1146-1159 (2005). [pdf]
- 205 Christiane P. Koch, Françoise Masnou-Seeuws, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Creating Ground State Molecules with Optical Feshbach Resonances in Tight Traps,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 193001 (2005). [pdf]
- 206 Gil Katz, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff
- Nonadiabatic Charge Transfer Processes of Oxygen on Metal Surfaces,
Isr. J. Chem. 45, 27 (2005). [pdf] - 207 M. J. Wright, S. D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and P. L. Gould
- Control of Ultracold Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 063001 (2005) . [pdf]
- 208 A. C. T. van Duin, Y. Zeiri, F. Dubnikova, R. Kosloff, W. A. Goddard III
- Atomistic-Scale Simulations of the Initial Chemical Events in the Thermal Initiation of Triacetonetriperoxide,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 11053 (2005). [pdf]
- 209 Solvejg Jørgensen, Michael Drewsen, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Intensity and wavelength control of a single molecule reaction: Simulation of photodissociation of cold-trapped MgH+,J. Chem. Phys. 123, 094302 (2005). [pdf]
- 210 Gil Katz, Yehuda Zeiri, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Role of Vibrationally Excited NO in Promoting Electron Emission When Colliding with a Metal Surface: A Nonadiabatic Dynamic Model,J. Phys. Chem. 109, 18876 (2005). [pdf]
- 211 David Gelman, Gil Katz, Ronnie Kosloff, and Mark A. Ratner
- Dissipative dynamics of a system passing through a conical intersection: Ultrafast pump-probe observables,,J. Chem. Phys. 123, 134112 (2005). [pdf]
- 212 Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Temperature dependence of interaction-induced entanglement,,Phys. Rev. A 72, 052303 (2005). [pdf]
- 213 David Gelman, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Minimizing broadband excitation under dissipative conditions,
J. Chem. Phys. 123, 234506 (2005). [pdf]
- 214 Sören Dittrich, Hans-Joachim Freund, Christiane P. Koch, Ronnie Kosloff, and Thorsten Klüner
- Two-dimensional surrogate Hamiltonian investigation of laser-induced desorption of NO/NiO(100),
J. Chem. Phys. 124, 024702 (2006). [pdf]
- 215 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum lubrication: Suppression of friction in a first-principles four-stroke heat engine,
Phys. Rev. E 73, 025107(R) (2006). [pdf]
- 216 Emily A. Weiss, Gil Katz, Randall H. Goldsmith, Michael R. Wasielewski, Mark A. Ratner, Ronnie Kosloff, and Abraham Nitzan
- Electron transfer mechanism and the locality of the system-bath interaction: A comparison of local, semilocal, and pure dephasing models,
Chem. Phys. 124, 074501(2006). [pdf]
- 217 Guy Ashkenazi and Ronnie Kosloff
- The Uncertainty Principle and Covalent Bonding,
The Chemical Educator 11, 67 (2006). [pdf]
- 218 Shimshon Kallush and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum governor: Automatic quantum control and reduction of the influence of noise without measuring,
Phys. Rev. A 73, 032324 (2006). [pdf]
- 219 Lajos Diosi, Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- On exact identity between thermodynamic and informatic entropies in a unitary model of friction,
International Journal of Quantum Information, 4, 99 (2006). [pdf]
- 220 Christiane P. Koch, Francoise Masnou-Seeuws and Ronnie Kosloff
- Short-pulse photoassociation in rubidium below the D1 line,
Phys. Rev.A 73, 043409 (2006). [pdf]
- 221 Yair Rezek and Ronnie Kosloff
- Irreversible performance of a quantum harmonic heat engine,
New J. Phys. 8, 83 (2006). [pdf]
- 222 Ulrich Poschinger, Wenzel Salzmann, Roland Wester, Matthias Weidemüller, Christiane P Koch and Ronnie Kosloff
- Theoretical model for ultracold molecule formation via adaptive feedback control,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S1001-S1015 (2006). [pdf]
- 223 Christiane P Koch, Ronnie Kosloff, Eliane Luc-Koenig, Françoise Masnou-Seeuws and Anne Crubellier
- Photoassociation with chirped laser pulses: calculation of the absolute number of molecules per pulseJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S1017-S1041 (2006). [pdf]
- 224 S. Kallush and R. Kosloff
- Improved methods for mapped grids: Applied to highly excited vibrational states of diatomic molecules,Chem. Phys. Lett. 433 221 (2006). [pdf]
- 225 S. Kallush R. Kosloff and F. Masnou-Seeuws
- Grid methods for cold molecules: Determination of photoassociation lineshapes and rate constants,Phys. Rev. A 75 043404 (2007). [pdf]
- 226 M. J. Wright, J. A. Pechkis, J. L. Carini, S. Kallush, R. Kosloff, and P. L. Gould
- Coherent control of ultracold collisions with chirped light: Direction matters,Phys. Rev. A 75 051401(R) (2007). [pdf]
- 227 Gil Katz Mark Ratner and Ronnie Kosloff
- Decoherence Control by Tracking a Hamiltonian Reference Molecule,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 203006 (2007). [pdf]
- 228 M. Khasin, R. Kosloff, and D. Steinitz
- Negativity as a distance from a separable state,
Phys. Rev. A 75 052325 (2007).[pdf]
- 229 Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Rise and fall of quantum and classical correlations in open-system dynamics,
Phys. Rev. A 76 012304 (2007). [pdf]
- 230 Revital Cohen, Yehuda Zeiri, Elhanan Wurzberg and Ronnie Kosloff
- Mechanism of Thermal Unimolecular Decomposition of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene): a DFT study,
Phys. Chem. 111, 11074 (2007). [pdf]
- 231 Mathias Nest, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum dynamical treatment of inelastic scattering of atoms at a surface at finite temperature: The random phase thermal wave function approach,
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 134711 (2007). [pdf]
- 232 Shimshon Kallush and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Momentum Control in Photoassociation of Ultra-Cold Atoms,
Phys. Rev. A 76 053408 (2007). [pdf]
- 233 Eliane Luc-Koenig, Francoise Masnou-Seeuws, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Dynamical hole in ultrafast photoassociation: Analysis of the compression effect,
Phys. Rev. A 76 053415 (2007). [pdf]
- 234 Shimshon Kallush and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Unitary photoassociation: One-step production of ground state bound molecules,
Phys. Rev. A 77 023421 (2008). [pdf]
- 235 C. Levi, G.J. Halasz, A. Vibok, I. Bar, Y. Zeiri, R. Kosloff, and M. Baer
- An intra-line of conical intersections for methylamine,
J. Chem.Phys. 128 244302 (2008). [pdf]
- 236 Jose P. Palao, Ronnie Kosloff, and Christiane P. Koch,
- Protecting coherence in Optimal Control Theory: State-dependent constraint approach,
Phys. Rev. A 77 063412(2008). [pdf]
- 237 Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Efficient simulation of quantum evolution using dynamical coarse graining,
Phys. Rev. A 78 012321 (2008). [pdf]
- 238 Gil Katz, David Gelman, Mark A. Ratner, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian,
J. Chem.Phys. 129 034108 (2008). [pdf]
- 239 Jimmie Oxley , James Smith , Joseph Brady , Faina Dubnikova, Ronnie Kosloff, Leila Zeiri , Yehuda Zeiri
- Raman and Infrared Fingerprint Spectroscopy of Peroxide-Based Explosives,
Applied Spectroscopy. 62 906 (2008). [pdf]
- 240 Brina Brauer, Faina Dubnikova, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff and R. Benny Gerber
- Vibrational Spectroscopy of Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP): Anharmonic Fundamentals, Overtones and Combination Bands,
Spectrochimica Acta A. 71 1438 (2008). [pdf]
- 241 Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- The globally stable solution of a stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation,
J. Phys. A 41 365203(2008). [pdf]
- 242 Peter Salamon, Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Yair Rezek and Ronnie Kosloff
- Maximum work in minimum time from a conservative quantum system.
PCCP 11 1027(2009). [pdf]
- 243 Yair Rezek, Peter Salamon, Karl Heinz Hoffmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- The quantum refrigerator: The quest for the absolute zero,
Euro Phys. Lett.. 85 30008 (2009). [pdf]
- 244 Mamadou Ndong, Hillel Tal-Ezer, Ronnie Kosloff and Christiane Koch
- A Chebychev propagator for inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation.
J. Chem. Phys.. 130 124108 (2009). [pdf]
- 245 Ester Livshits, Roi Baer, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Deleterious Effects of Long-Range Self-Repulsion on the Density Functional Description of O2 Sticking on Aluminum.
J. Phys. Chem. 113 7521 (2009). [pdf]
- 246 C. Levi, G.J. Halasz, A. Vibok, I. Bar, Y. Zeiri, R. Kosloff, M. Baer
- A Novel Intraline of Conical intersections for Methylamine: A Theoretical Study.
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 109 2482 (2009). [pdf]
- 247 Christiane P. Koch, Mamadou Ndong and Ronnie Kosloff
- Two-photon coherent control of femtosecond photoassociation,
Faraday Discuss.. 142 389 (2009). [pdf]
- 248 Chen Levi, Ronnie Kosloff, Yehuda Zeiri, and Ilana Bar
- Time-dependent quantum wave-packet description of H and D atom tunneling in N-H and N-D photodissociation of methylamine and methylamine-d2,
J. Chem. Phys 131 064302 (2009). [pdf]
- 249 Christiane P. Koch and Ronnie Kosloff
- Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Two-Body Correlations in Ultracold Gases,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 260401 (2009). [pdf]
- 250 Gil Katz, Mark Ratner and Ronnie Kosloff
- Control by decoherence: weak field control of an excited state objective,
New J. Phys. 12 015003 (2010). [pdf]
- 251 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- Minimal temperature of quantum refrigerator,
Euro Phys. Lett.. 89 20004 (2010).[pdf]
- 252 Amir Wand, Shimshon Kallush, Ofir Shoshanim, Oshrat Bismuth, Ronnie Kosloff and Sanford Ruhman
- Chirp Effects on Impulsive Vibrational Spectroscopy: a Multimode Perspective,
PCCP. 12 (2010). [pdf]
- 253 Mamadou Ndong, Hillel Tal-Ezer, Ronnie Kosloff and Christiane Koch
- A Chebychev propagator with iterative time ordering for explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonains,
J. Chem. Phys.. 132 064105 (2010). [pdf]
- 254 Ran Marom, Chen Levi, Tal Weiss, Salman Rosenwaks, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff, and Ilana Bar
- Quantum Tunneling of Hydrogen Atom in Dissociation of Photoexcited Methylamine,
J. Phys. Chem. A. 114 9623 (2010). [pdf]
- 255 M. Nest, Y. Japha, R. Folman, and R. Kosloff
- Dynamic matter-wave pulse shaping,
Phys. Rev. A 81 043632 (2010). [pdf]
- 256 Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Algorithm for simulation of quantum many-body dynamics using dynamical coarse-graining,
Phys. Rev. A 81 043635 (2010). [pdf]
- 257 Christiane P. Koch and Ronnie Kosloff
- Correlation dynamics after short-pulse photoassociation,
Phys. Rev. A 81 063426 (2010). [pdf]
- 258 Kosloff and Tova Feldmann
- Optimal performance of reciprocating demagnetization quantum refrigerators,
Phys. Rev. E 82 011134 (2010). [pdf]
- 259 Katz, Mark A. Ratner and Ronnie Kosloff
- Hot Injection Dynamics: Design Mechanisms and Ideas,
J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 5833(2011). [pdf]
- 260 Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Noise and controllability: Suppression of controllability in large quantum systems,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 123002 (2011). [pdf]
- 261 J. A. Pechkis, J. L. Carini, C. E. Rogers III, P. L. Gould, S. Kallush, and R. Kosloff,
- Coherent control of ultracold 85Rb trap-loss collisions with nonlinearly frequency-chirped light,
Phys. Rev. A 83 063403 (2011). [pdf]
- 262 Shimson Kallush, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Scaling the robustness of the solutions for quantum controllable problems,
Phys. Rev. A 83 063412 (2011). [pdf]
- 263 Naomi Rom, Sergey V. Zybin, Adri C. T. van Duin, William A. Goddard, III, Yehuda Zeiri, Gil Katz and R. Kosloff,
- Density-Dependent Liquid Nitromethane Decomposition: Molecular Dynamics Simulations Based on ReaxFF,
J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 10191(2011). [pdf]
- 264 Faina Dubnikova, Ronnie Kosloff, Jimmie C. Oxley, James L. Smith, and Yehuda Zeiri,
- Role of Metal Ions in the Destruction of TATP: Theoretical Considerations,
J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 10565 (2011). [pdf]
- 265 Mark A. Ratner and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum effects in chemistry: seven sample situations,
Procedia Chemistry 3 63 (2011).[pdf]
- 266 Ronnie Kosloff, Mark Ratner, Gil Katz and Michael Khasin,
- Application of quantum coherence and decoherence,
Procedia Chemistry 3 322 (2011). [pdf]
- 267 Leonid Rybak, Zohar Amitay, Saieswari Amaran, Ronnie Kosloff, Michal Tomza, Robert Moszynski and Christiane P. Koch
- Femtosecond coherent control of thermal photoassociation of magnesium atoms,
Faraday Discussions 153, 383 (2011). [pdf]
- 268 Morag Am-Shallem, Yehuda Zeiri, Sergey V. Zybin, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Molecular dynamics simulations of weak detonations,
Phys. Rev. E 84 061122 (2011). [pdf]
- 269 Karl Heinz Hoffmann Yair Rezek, Peter Salamon, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Time-optimal controls for frictionless cooling in harmonic traps,
Eur. Phys. Lett. 96 60015 (2011). [pdf]
- 270 Leonid Rybak, Saieswari Amaran, Liat Levin, Michal Tomza, Robert Moszynski, Ronnie Kosloff, Christiane P. Koch and Zohar Amitay
- Generating Molecular Rovibrational Coherence by Two-Photon Femtosecond Photoassociation of Thermally Hot Atoms,
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- 271 J. L. Carini, J. A. Pechkis, C. E. Rogers III, and P. L. Gould, S. Kallush and R. Kosloff
- Quantum dynamical calculations of ultracold collisions induced by nonlinearly chirped light,
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- 272 Amikam Levy and Ronnie Kosloff
- 273 Hillel Tal-Ezer, Ronnie Kosloff, Ido Schaefer
- New, highly accurate propagator for the linear and non-linear Schr\"odinger equation,
J. Sci. Comput. 53, 211 (2012). [pdf]
- 274 Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
- 275 Amikam Levy, Robert Alicki, and Ronnie Kosloff
- 276 Shimshon Kallush and Ronnie Kosloff
- Mutual influence of locality and chaotic dynamics on quantum controllability,
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- 277 F. Boldt, K. H. Hoffmann, P. Salamon and R. Kosloff
- Time-optimal processes for interacting spin systems,
Eur. Phys. Lett. 99, 40002 (2012). [pdf]
- 278 Amikam Levy, Robert Alicki, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Comment on Cooling by Heating: Refrigeration Powered by Photons,
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- 279 Ido Schaefer and Ronnie Kosloff
- Optimal-control theory of harmonic generation,
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- 280 J. L. Carini, J. A. Pechkis, C. E. Rogers III, P. L. Gould ,S. Kallush and R. Kosloff
- Production of ultracold molecules with chirped nanosecond pulses: Evidence for coherent effects,
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- 282 Raam Uzdin, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Ronnie Kosloff, and Nimrod Moiseyev
- Effects of an exceptional point on the dynamics of a single particle in a time-dependent harmonic trap,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 022505 (2013). [pdf]
- 283 E. Torrontegui, and R. Kosloff
- Quest for absolute zero in the presence of external noise,
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- 284 Naomi Rom, Barak Hirshberg, Yehuda Zeiri, David Furman, Sergey V Zybin, William A Goddard, Ronnie Kosloff
- First Principles Based Reaction Kinetics for Decomposition of Hot Dense Liquid TNT from ReaxFF Multiscale Reactive Dynamics Simulations,
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- 285 Saieswari Amaran, Ronnie Kosloff, Michael Tomza, Michal, Wojciech Skomorowski, Filip Pawlowski, Robert Moszynski,Leonid Rybak, Liat Levin, Zohar Amitay, Martin Berglund, Daniel Reich, Christiane Koch
- Two-photon photoassociation of hot magnesium atoms by femtosecond pulses: A quantum dynamical study,
J. Chem Phys. 139, 164124 (2013). [pdf]
- 286 Shimshon Kallush, Michael Khasin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum control with noisy fields: computational complexity vs. sensitivity to noise,
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- 287 Gil Katz, Sergey V. Zybin, William Goddard III, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff,
- Direct MD Simulations of Terahertz Absorption and 2-D Spectroscopy Applied to Explosive Crystals,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 772 (2014). [pdf]
- 288 David Furman, Ronnie Kosloff, Faina Dubnikova, Sergey V Zybin, William A Goddard, Naomi Rom, Barak Hirshberg, and Yehuda Zeiri
- Decomposition of condensed phase energetic materials: Interplay between uni- and bimolecular mechanisms Applied to Explosive Crystals,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 4192 (2014). [pdf]
- 289 Ronnie Kosloff and Amikam Levy
- Quantum heat engines and refrigerators: continuous.
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- 290 Amikam Levy and Ronnie Kosloff
- A local approach to quantum transport may violate the second law of thermodynamics,Eur. Phys. Lett. 107, 20004 (2014). [pdf] [Supplument-pdf]
- 291 Morag Am-Shallem and Ronnie Kosloff
- The scaling of weak field phase-only control in markovian dynamics,J. Chem. Phys. 141, 044121 (2014). [pdf]
- 292 Raam Uzdin and Ronnie Kosloff
- The multilevel four-stroke swap engine and its environment,New J. Phys. 16, 095003 (2014). [pdf]
- 293 Mark A Ratner, Gil Katz and Ronnie Kosloff
- Hot injection processes in optically-excited states: Molecular design for optimized,J. Phys. Chem. 118, 21798 (2014). [pdf]
- 294 Raam Uzdin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Universal features in the efficiency at maximal work of hot quantum otto engines,Eur. Phys. Lett. 108, 40001 (2014). [pdf]
- 295 Ronnie Kosloff
- Features of complexity,Adv. Chem. Phys. 157, 3 (2014). [pdf]
- 296 J L Carini, S Kallush, R Kosloff, and P L Gould
- Encement of ultracold molecule formation by local control in the nanosecond regime,New J. of Phys. 17, 025008 (2015). [pdf]
- 297 Liat Levin, Wojciech Skomorowski, Leonid Rybak, Ronnie Kosloff, Christiane P Koch, and Zohar Amitay
- Coherent control of bond making,Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 233003 (2015). [pdf]
- 298 Liat Levin, Wojciech Skomorowski, Ronnie Kosloff, Christiane Koch, and Zohar Amitay
- The performance of rationally phase-shaped femtosecond laser pulses,J. Phys. B 48, 184004 (2015). [pdf]
- 299 Raam Uzdin, Amikam Levy, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Equivalence of Quantum Heat Machines, and Quantum-Thermodynamic Phys. Rev. X 5, 031044 (2015). [pdf]
- 300 JL Carini, S Kallush, R Kosloff and PL Gould
- Enhancement of ultracold molecule formation using shaped nanosecond frequency chirp,Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 173003 (2015). [pdf]
- 301 Morag Am-Shallem, Ronnie Kosloff and Nimrod Moiseyev
- Exceptional points for parameter estimation in open quantum systems: analysis of the Bloch equations,New J. Phys. 17, 113036 (2015). [pdf]
- 302 Steffen J. Glaser, Ugo Boscain, Tommaso Calarco, Christiane P. Koch, Walter Kockenberger, Ronnie Kosloff, Ilya Kuprov, Burkhard Luy, Sophie Schirmer, Thomas Schulte-Herbruggen, Dominique Sugny, and Frank K. Wilhelm
- Training Schrodinger's cat: quantum optimal control,Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 279 (2015).[pdf]
- 303 Jimmie C Oxley, James L Smith, Matthew Porter, Lindsay McLennan, Kevin Colizza, Yehuda Zeiri, Ronnie Kosloff, Faina Dubnikova
- Synthesis and Degradation of Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine (HMTD),Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 41, 334 (2016). [pdf]
- 304 David Furman, Faina Dubnikova, Adri CT van Duin, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff
- Reactive Force Field for Liquid Hydrazoic Acid with Applications to Detonation Chemistry,J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 4744 (2016). [pdf]
- 305 Morag Am-Shallem and Ronnie Kosloff and Nimrod Moiseyev
- Parameter estimation in atomic spectroscopy using exceptional points,Phys. Rev. A 93, 032116 (2016)[pdf]
- 306 Raam Uzdin, Amikam Levy and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum Heat Machines Equivalence, Work Extraction beyond Markovianity, and Strong Coupling via Heat Exchangers,Entropy 18 124 (2016) . [pdf]
- 307 Gil Katz and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum Thermodynamics in Strong Coupling: Heat Transport and RefrigerationEntropy 18 186 (2016) . [pdf]
- 308 J. L. Carini, S. Kallush, R. Kosloff, and P. L. Gould
- Efficient formation of ultracold molecules with chirped nanosecond pulses,J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 3032 (2016). [pdf]
- 309 David Furman, Ronnie Kosloff, and Yehuda Zeiri,
- Mechanism of intact adsorbed molecules ejection using high intensity laser pulses,J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 11306 (2016). [pdf]
- 310 Amikam Levy, Lajos Diosi, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum Flywheel,Phys. Rev. A 93, 052119 (2016). [pdf]
- 311 Tova Feldmann, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Transitions between refrigeration regions in extremely short quantum cycles,Phys. Rev. E 93, 052150 (2016).[pdf]
- 312 Raam Uzdin and Ronnie Kosloff
- Speed limits in liouville space for open quantum systems,EPL (Europhysics Letters), 115, 40003 (2016). [pdf]
- 313 Erik Torrontegui, and Ronnie Kosloff
- Activated and non-activated dephasing in a spin bathNew Journal of Physics, 18, 093001 (2016)[pdf]
- 314 David Furman, Ronnie Kosloff and Yehuda Zeiri
- Effects of nanoscale heterogeneities on the reactivity of shocked erythritol tetranitrateThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 28886 (2016). [pdf]
- 315 Ronnie Kosloff and Yair Rezek
- The Quantum Harmonic Otto CycleEntropy, 19, 136 (2017). [pdf] [linkdin]
- 316 C. A. Weidner, Hoon Yu, Ronnie Kosloff, and Dana Z. Anderson
- Atom interferometry using a shaken optical latticePhys. Rev. A, 95, 043624 (2017). [pdf]
- 317 Ido Schaefer, Hillel Tal-Ezer and Ronnie Kosloff
- Semi-global approach for propagation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for time-dependent and nonlinear problemsJ. Comp. Phys, 343, 368 (2017). [pdf]
- 318 E. Torrontegui, I. Lizuain, S. Gonz´alez-Resines, A. Tobalina, A. Ruschhaupt, R. Kosloff, and J. G. Muga
- Energy consumption for shortcuts to adiabaticityPhys. Rev. A, 96, 022133 (2017). [pdf]
- 319 Jimmie C Oxley, David Furman, Austin C Brown, Faina Dubnikova, James L Smith, Ronnie Kosloff, Yehuda Zeiri
- Thermal Decomposition of Erythritol Tetranitrate: A Joint Experimental and Computational StudyThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 16145 (2017). [pdf]
- 320 Amikam Levy, E. Torrontegui and Ronnie Kosloff
- Action-noise-assisted quantum controlPhys. Rev. A, 96, 033417 (2017). [pdf]
- 321 Shimoson Kallus, Jenifer L. Karini, Phill L. Gould and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Directional quantum-controlled chemistry: Generating aligned ultracold molecules via photoassociationPhys. Rev. A, 96, 053613 (2017). [pdf]
- 322 Amikam Levy, Anthony Kiely, JG Muga, Ronnie Kosloff, and Erik Torrontegui,
- Noise resistant quantum control using dynamical invariantsNew Journal of Physics 20, 025006 (2018). [pdf]
- 323 Aviv Aroch, Shimshon Kallush, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Optimizing the multicycle subrotational internal cooling of diatomic moleculesPhys. Rev. A, 97, 053405, (2018). [pdf]
- 324 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Stochastic laser cooling enabled by many body eects,J. Phys B. Atomic and Molecular adn Optical Physics., 51, 135002, (2018). [pdf]
- 325 David Furman, Benny Carmeli, Yehuda Zeiri and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm: Efficient Training of ReaxFF, Reactive Force FieldsJ. Chem. Theory Comput., 14, 3100, (2018).[pdf]
- 326 Raam Uzdin, Simone Gasparinetti, Roee Ozeri, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Enhanced Markovian heat sources with the smallest heat capacityNew. J. of Phys., 20, 063030, (2018). [pdf]
- 327 Andrea Insinga, Bjarne Andresen, Peter Salamon and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum heat engines: Limit cycles and exceptional points,Phys. Rev. E., 97, 062153, (2018). [pdf]
- 328 Roie Dann, Amikam Levy, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Time-dependent markovian quantum master equation,Phys. Rev. A., 98, 052129, (2018). [pdf]
- 329 Robert Alicki, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Introduction to Quantum Thermodynamics: History and Prospects,
- In. Binder F., Correa L., Gogolin C., Anders J., Adesso G. (eds) Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime. Fundamental Theories of Physics, vol 195. Springer, Cham (2018). [pdf]
- 330 Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum thermodynamics and open-systems modeling,J. Chem. Phys., 150, 204105, (2019). [pdf]
- 331 Roie Dann, Ander Tobalina, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Shortcut to equilibration of an open quantum system,Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 250402, (2019). [pdf]
- 332 Shimshon Kallush, Aviv Aroch and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantifying the unitary generation of coherence from thermal quantum systems,Entropy 21, 810, (2019). [pdf]
- 333 B. Ohayon, H. Rahangdale, J. Chocron, Y. Mishnayot, R. Kosloff, O. Heber, and G. Ron,
- Imaging recoil ions from optical collisions between ultracold, metastable neon isotopes,Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 063401, (2019). [pdf]
- 334 Ido Schaefer and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Optimization of high-harmonic generation by optimal control theory: Ascending a functional landscape in extreme conditions,Phys. Rev. A 101, 023407 (2020). [pdf]
- 335 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum signatures in the quantum carnot cycle,New Journal of Physics, 22, 013055, (2020). [pdf]
- 336 Alhun Aydin, Altug Sisman, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Landauer principle in a quantum szilard engine without maxwell demon,Entropy, 22, 294, (2020). [pdf]
- 337 Roie Dann Ander Tobalina and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Fast route to equilibration,Phys. Rev. A 101, 052102 (2020). [pdf]
- 338 Bar Ezra, Shimshon Kallush and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Dissociation in strong field: a quantum analysis of the relation between angular momentum and angular distribution of fragments,Chemical Physics Letters, 756, 137845 (2020). [pdf]
- 339 Roie Dann, Ronnie Kosloff, and Peter Salamon,
- Quantum Finite-Time Thermodynamics: Insight from a Single Qubit Engine,Entropy, 22, 1255, (2020). [pdf]
- 340 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Inertial Theorem: Overcoming the quantum adiabatic limit,Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 013064 (2021). [pdf]
- 341 Lindsay McLennan, Audreyana Brown-Nash, Taylor Busby, Jerey Canaria, Athina Kominia, James L Smith, Jimmie C Oxley, Faina Dubnikov, Ronnie Kosloff, and Yehuda Zeiri,
- Characterization of the hexanitrate esters of sugar alcohols,Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 46, 579-592 (2021). [pdf]
- 342 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Open system dynamics from thermodynamic compatibility,Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 023006 (2021). [pdf]
- 343 Liat Levin, Daniel M. Reich, Moran Geva, Ronnie Kosloff, Christiane Koch, and Zohar Amitay,
- Coherent control of ultrafast bond making and subsequent molecular dynamics: Demonstration of nal-state branching ratio control system dynamics from thermodynamic compatibility,J. Phys. B, 54, 144007 (2021). [pdf]
- 344 Chang-Kang Hu, Roie Dann, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Alan C. Santos and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Experimental verification of the inertial theorem control protocols,New Journal of Physics, 23, 093048, (2021). [pdf]
- 345 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Quantum thermo-dynamical construction for driven open quantum systems,Quantum 5, 590 (2021). [pdf]
- 346 Koch, C.P., Boscain, U., Calarco, T., Dirr, G., Filipp, S., Glaser, S.J., Kosloff, R., Montangero, S., Schulte-Herbrüggen, T., Sugny, D. and Wilhelm, F.K,
- Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe,EPJ Quantum Technology, 9, 19 (2022). [pdf]
- 347 Roie Dann, Nina Megier, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Non-markovian dynamics under time-translation symmetry,
- Phys. Rev. Research, 4, 043075 (2022). [pdf]
- 348 Shimshon Kallush, Roie Dann, and Ronnie Kosloff,
- Controlling the uncontrollable: Quantum control of open-system dynamics,
- Science Advances, 8 (44), eadd0828 (2022). [pdf]
- 349 Uriel Shafir, Ronnie Kosloff,
- Wave Function Realization of a Thermal Collision Model,Entropy, 24, 18018, (2022). [pdf]
- 350 Aviv Aroch, Ronnie Kosloff and Shimshon Kallush
- Employing typicality in optimal control theory: Addressing large Hilbert spaces,
- Phys. Rev. A, 107,022603 (2023). [pdf]
- 351 Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff
- Unification of the first law of quantum thermodynamics,
- New J. Phys. 25 043019 (2023). [pdf]
- 352 Ronnie Kosloff
- Quantum Molecular Devices,
- ACS Phys. Chem Au 4 226-231(2024). [pdf]
- 353 D. Turyansky, O. Ovdat, R. Dann, Z. Aqua, R. Kosloff, B. Dayan, and A. Pick
- Inertial geometric quantum logic gates,
- Phys. Rev. Appl. 21 054033 (2024). [pdf]
- 354 Aviv Aroch, Ronnie Kosloff and Shimshon Kallush
- Mitigating Fast Controller Noise in Quantum Gates Using Optimal Control Theory,
- Quantum 8, 1482 (2024). [pdf]
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